Things You Need To Know About Implementation Of CSS3 Today

Programs used for web designing are in numbers but only a few of them are really worthy of your time and effort. Software like these makes our web designing work so much easier and quicker.

Things You Need To Know About Implementation Of CSS3 Today

CSS also known as Cascading Styling Sheets is used to change or alter the view of websites that are made on HTML and XHTML. The majority of the web browsers support CSS. Although the latest version of CSS is CSS 4, still CSS3 is widely used.


5 Best Services to Create a Business Website

It is close to impossible to imagine a reputable business without a website nowadays. The larger your business is and the more expectations you have, the more functional and visually appealing your website should be.

5 Best Services to Create a Business Website

A business website is like a visiting card of your company - the one that accomplishes several missions at a time. By launching a website, you pursue different goals. To start with, you establish reliable online presence for your business, boosting its popularity and increasing customer trust. Secondly, you make your business accessible far beyond the local boundaries. This is a surefire way to grow your client base and find new partners.


The Psychology Of Landing Page Optimization

Our emotions play a vital role in all the choices that we make. If you have damage in the part of your brain that controls emotions, you might have trouble in making the best decisions.

The Psychology Of Landing Page Optimization

The reason for this is that emotions have a fundamental role in how you make choices. They’re not just a volatile reaction.


A Beginner’s Guide To SEO in WordPress

Ever wondered how to get your WordPress website on the first page of Google results?

A Beginner’s Guide To SEO in WordPress

It’s the key to huge, sustainable traffic to your site. In fact, statistics show that more than 50% of people only click on the first three links of a Google search.


Verst – The First Modern Website Builder

Designing a website is hard. It has to look great on mobile and web, be functional and fast, and easy to work with for both owners and visitors. Unless you’re an expert, you either have to hire an expensive professional or spend countless hours of trial and error figuring things out yourself.

Verst – The First Modern Website Builder

For some time now there have been platforms out there like WordPress and Wix that claim to be beginner-friendly and easy to use, but there are still numerous barriers to anyone, especially those without a technical mindset. Although anyone can eventually get a functional website running, the work required to maintain modern design and excellent site performance is painstaking and time consuming without years of experience.


How to Design Website from an Emotional Prospective

I am not a Psychologist. Neither an avid reader on psychological anatomy but that one thing I am pretty sure about myself is that I am a 156Lbs pack of blood and bones programmed with a particular set of emotions that define me. These emotions drive me, they reveal who I am, and they influence almost every decision of my life that I make.

How to Design Website from an Emotional Prospective

And same goes for all us. Being an owner of an internet marketing agency and running it for years, I have clearly observed how emotions affect the buying decisions and the reason is pretty obvious.