Top 15 Cloud Based Web Development Tools

Cloud computing is when you rely on the internet to accomplish your tasks. Previously, people used to run programs or apps via downloaded software on a server in their buildings.

Top 15 Cloud Based Web Development Tools

Whereas, cloud computing enables people to work from anywhere if they have an internet connection. This saves a lot of time and decreases software development costs.


Mobile App Development Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know

What is that one thing without which companies like Apple, Samsung, Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or even Google, would almost cease to function and become paralyzed?

Mobile App Development Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know

The answer is Apps. A phenomenon that was a subsidiary of the mobile platform, but in a few years, this seemingly inconsequential part of the “scheme of things” has transformed itself into one of the most important reasons why smartphones are becoming so irresistibly hard to not have.


20 Simple Tricks to Secure Your WordPress Website in 2017

We live in a dangerous online world where hackers, malwares, brute force, vulnerabilities, phishing and other similar words make us scary.

20 Simple Tricks to Secure Your WordPress Website in 2017

It would not be a surprise for us if your website has been hacked. This is because more than 70% of WordPress were extremely vulnerable in terms of security during 2012.


WP E-commerce Plugin Review: Top 5 Solutions for Online Stores [Infographic]

What’s the best e-commerce plugin for WordPress?

WP E-commerce Plugin Review: Top 5 Solutions for Online Stores [Infographic]

So, you’ve decided to useWordPress as a CMS for your online shop? Considering the fact that WooCommerce (which is the most popular WP e-commerce plugin) powers over 3 million e-commerce websites including Clickbank, Spectator Magazine Shop and Bookriot, you’ll be in good company! Still, what is right is not always popular.


7 Absurd Myths about Plagiarism in Design to Forget Right Now

Don’t you just hate it when you see your work replicated somewhere else?

7 Absurd Myths about Plagiarism in Design to Forget Right Now

Or, maybe it flatters you that someone used your design as inspiration to create a new masterpiece?


Web Professionals Are Overcoming Expectations Using These Tools

There are major differences between web professionals and the level of quality that they deliver. It depends on their talent and knowledge but also on the tools that they are using every day. Having absolutely the best tools on their side will help them overcome client’s expectations.

Web Professionals Are Overcoming Expectations Using These Tools

For example, iGenApps will help you build a phone app and Kohezion an online database, both without needing coding skills. Imagine how much you can do with such a tool for tens of millions of people that have their phones in their hands every moment. Extent the website functionalities with a phone app or add the support of your WordPress theme directly in the app.