How to Present a Web Design to the Client

The success of your design relies not only on your ability to create something visually appealing but also on your ability to sell it.

How to Present a Web Design to the Client

As a professional designer, you should know how to communicate with your client and present your product in the best possible way. The better your presentation, the better chance your project will be approved.


7 Hacks to Get Hired By Top Tech Companies

Are you searching for a job in the tech industry? Well, you are not alone. You see, everyone wants to work for big tech firms such as Google, Apple, Microsoft and IBM among others.

7 Hacks to Get Hired By Top Tech Companies

The motivation is not only the good pay but also available opportunities for growth. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) biennial update, employment in the computer world is expected to grow by 22% through to 2020.


Top Logo Design Trends for 2018 [Infographic]

We’re a few weeks into 2018, and we already can’t wait to see what’s going to happen on the design world this next 12 months.

Top Logo Design Trends for 2018 [Infographic]

After some research and exploration by the folks at Vexels, we’ve discovered some trends that are going to make a big splash this year.


7 Reasons Why you Should Rethink your Website Design Today

Imagine you are going to buy a villa or house for you. When you visit the site, it appeared ruined, dull or decades old, what would be your reaction?

7 Reasons Why you Should Rethink your Website Design Today

Forget about buying it, you won’t even visit it thoroughly. The same logic applies to your website design. The look and feel of your website is very crucial for its users.


Record Live Cloud Webinar Videos from Online Websites with Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac

Are you a dynamic IT professional who is always on the spree to learn about new technologies? Well, that’s great and live webinars by IT experts are a great source to update oneself in the advancing tech field.

Record Live Cloud Webinar Videos from Online Websites with Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac

For example, say webinars on hybrid cloud, one of the latest trends in the cloud space. Now, what if you have a hybrid cloud webinar coming up and your schedule clashes with the live streaming time of the webinar? Does that mean, you can’t watch that webinar? Certainly not as you have Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac to help you here.


Functional Suggestions to Create Outstanding iOS 11 Icons

Icons have its own significance in every mobile application. As we all know that the first impression is the last impression, so are the icons to the mobile application.

Functional Suggestions to Create Outstanding iOS 11 Icons

The first impression of your application is expressed to your customers through the icons. This also becomes a primary and important point to the one who has downloaded the application.