The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile App Testing

Just like any other software, mobile apps must be thoroughly tested before their release to ensure everything is working the exact same way it was intended.

The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile App Testing

While mobile app testing is already a lengthy and cumbersome process, the everyday introduction of new handheld mobile devices, operating system versions, and app testing tools has made the job of mobile app testers more complex and challenging than ever.


Money And Time Taken to Build A Remarkable Mobile App: A GUIDE

Mobile apps that are quite simple to navigate and operate might lead many to assume that it took almost no time and capital to build them, which cannot be further from the truth.

Money And Time Taken to Build A Remarkable Mobile App: A GUIDE

A mobile app that improves accessibility, enhances customer engagement, improves brand recognition and value proposition, and presents another avenue for sales is anything but quick and cheap to make.


Are We In Thralled To The Digital World? – Finding the Answer

Do you feel that technology was initially introduced to improve our lives but it secretly took over our lives? The truth is that we can now be termed as slaves of technology. The question is how did this happen in the first place.

Are We In Thralled To The Digital World? – Finding the Answer

Initially, technology was introduced to move our lives in the forward direction. There is no question about the fact that technology allows us to be faster and smarter. We all love to access this wonderful world of information in just a matter of seconds.


What Can Be Expected From Mobile Apps in 2018?

Nowadays it has become very popular to promote services and products with the use of mobile apps. However, it is not so easy to do it because your app should have an attractive visual appeal that is quite a difficult task for every app developer to fulfill.

What Can Be Expected From Mobile Apps in 2018?

First of all, you should be aware of all mobile app tricks of this year to meet users` everyday needs. But why are these app design trends important?


Best Tricks To Use Guest Blogging For Successful Link Building

Link building is a quite storming and useful way to grab the new inbound links to the favorite pages of your website. These links are the crucial ranking factors for Google to rank your competitive keywords.

Best Tricks To Use Guest Blogging For Successful Link Building

The sole purpose of a link is to support the content and this is the reason links are acceptable in a guest post to provide some additional information, to cite a reference such as any statistics, and even a link to a related topic or someone else’s post on the same topic.


The Difference Between UX and UI Web Design

These two words may seem like an alien language to some but upon reading them may spark an interest in others.

The Difference Between UX and UI Web Design

This article will go through the differences between UX and UI web design and can give you some necessary information and insight on how to start a career as a web designer. If you are already on that path, it can help you improve your skills in these two components.