A Guide to Creating Visual Content for Social Media Marketing

You need visual elements in your content. It draws attention to your content. It keeps people on your pages longer. It increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Every one of these statements is true. None of them are newsworthy at this point. With the exception of some absolute beginners, people understand that digital marketing content needs visuals.

A Guide to Creating Visual Content for Social Media Marketing

It’s time to move on. The challenge now is creating visual content that stands out against everybody else's’ visual content.


21 Modern Web Design Trends for 2018

A good website should not only have a good design. It has to be responsive enough to be compatible with all the devices.

21 Modern Web Design Trends for 2018

Web design is a visual representation of the page layout of any website. It is an important part of the web development process. This process gives life to any website. It gives an amazing look and feel to the web pages and websites.


Web Design and Web Development Trends That Will Dominate Upcoming Years

The technological dependence of the people and their desire to have everything in the palm of their hands is the reason that each day a new invention is heard of.

Web Design and Web Development Trends That Will Dominate Upcoming Years

Businesses are continuously gearing up new strategies in order to survive in this competitive environment.


Reasons Ecommerce Customer Retention Rates Matter

Customer acquisition is exciting. Marketers and ecommerce entrepreneurs may even experience a honeymoon phase during periods of strong acquisition. “Look at all these new customers!” you think. “Our online store has a chance to impress all these first-time shoppers.”

Reasons Ecommerce Customer Retention Rates Matter

However, in your excitement, it’s important to remember customer retention. Why? First of all, it’s a major part of the equation for success and longevity in the online retail world. Here are three reasons ecommerce customer retention rates matter for your store.


How To Make Extra Money From Home

Extra cash is essential and beneficial for a rainy day, vacation or an unexpected expense.

How To Make Extra Money From Home

Financial institutes suggest having an emergency fund to cover anywhere between three to nine months of expenses. But according to MarketWatch, nearly 62% of Americans have under $1,000 in their savings account while 20% don’t have any type of savings account. How can you expect to get ahead?