How Writers Can Use Markdown in WordPress to Improve Blogging Experience?

If you’re a Wordpress user, you must have come across the term Markdown. In case you’re wondering What is Markdown? How to get started with it? You have landed on the right page.

How Writers Can Use Markdown in WordPress to Improve Blogging Experience?

Everything that you need to know about Markdown is right here. We’ll briefly discuss the benefits and working of Markdown after covering all the basic aspects.


35 Fresh Examples of Single Page Design for Inspiration

You possibly cannot imagine what designers can do with single page designs as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work.

35 Fresh Examples of Single Page Design for Inspiration

The best one-pages are those that help you convey your message into few quick scrolls. They are well designed and compatible with most Internet browsers.


How Do Top Mobile App Development Companies Optimize Conversions For Mobile Apps?

What is the conversion rate? The conversion rate is the percentage of users making a purchase (or any other conversion action such as a download or registration). It is obtained as a result of dividing the number of orders among the unique users who visit the web.

How Do Top Mobile App Development Companies Optimize Conversions For Mobile Apps?

It is vital for a website to discover the most desired subjects of the audience and to work on it to promote the best experience possible. Effort should be directed towards offering the audience what they have interest in, and it should be easy for them. Top app development companies will integrate features that will enable sites to offer the best experience to the audience.


[Freebie] Fly High with Corporate Flyers: 10 Styles, AI and EPS

Looking for some flyers that not only fulfill your business needs but do so in style. Well, Freepik’s Corporate Flyers Freebie has everything you could possibly need.

[Freebie] Fly High with Corporate Flyers: 10 Styles, AI and EPS

Offering a range of different layouts they combine professionalism with powerful designs. You can certainly make a smart statement and stop people right in their tracks.


Productivity Secrets: Tips To Make Your Mondays More Actionable

(Hint; A Strong Cup Of Coffee And Much Much More!)

This Monday morning while I was relishing my coffee I saw a post by one of my subordinates which consisted of "I hate Mondays" meme.

Productivity Secrets: Tips To Make Your Mondays More Actionable

This post got me thinking when and how did hating Mondays become so fashionable. How can we hate a start of something new? A happy productive Monday will pave a way for more productive week ahead and hence, instead of fussing over the changes in your schedule and work plans it is important to be agile to stay motivated.


Top 10 Hybrid App Development Frameworks

Mobile app development agencies are in the constant efforts to augment the user experience with the latest technologies. Hybrid app development is one such trending approach that most of the agencies are utilizing in order to build flexible and highly functional apps.

Top 10 Hybrid App Development Frameworks

Hybrid mobile app development facilitates us with the ability to write the code at once and create mobile apps that run on the many platforms with no additional effort. The hybrid mobile applications can run on both iOS and Android, further, the code can be reused for progressive web applications and also for desktop applications.