How Does AI Affect Web Development and WordPress Website Building

Only a handful of technologies will be able to transform our lives more than the artificial intelligence (AI).

How Does AI Affect Web Development and WordPress Website Building

Machine learning is developing at a relatively fast pace than before, processing information and providing opinions similar to humans. While this can be considered as the groundbreaking innovation, but various experts are concerned about the fact that soon these machines will be hijacking various jobs of humans.


Marketing in the Modern World: SEO & SMO

Marketing has come a long way from billboards and brochures. While the latter are still relevant and help businesses sell more, digital marketing is becoming the go-to solution for businesses that don’t operate primarily online.

Marketing in the Modern World: SEO & SMO

This modern marketing solution is what’s powering a lot of small businesses who couldn’t have made their mark on the local market without the help of SEO. Even before local SEO became a trend and Google My Business was introduced, local businesses like cafes, hotels, etc were using social media to reach out to the maximum audience while also connecting with them.


Light vs Dark Color Scheme: Which One Should You Choose?

It’s almost impossible to calculate the exact number of websites. According to the report, there are over 1.6 billion active sites on the World Wide Web, but no one can say that for sure because the number just keeps growing minute after minute. The only thing we can claim is that websites keep piling up.

Light vs Dark Color Scheme: Which One Should You Choose?

In such circumstances, it might seem reasonable to believe that web design is not a complicated job. After all, it must be super-easy to create a website if there are so many of them, right? But as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


Despite the GDPR, Cookies Are Vital to E-commerce

Cookies are at the center of attention due to the European Union’s latest GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation. GDPR pursues the EU’s Cookie Directive, which has been in force for many years.

Despite the GDPR, Cookies Are Vital to E-commerce

Cookies are very important for E-commerce and online businesses. Do you know about the role of cookies in E-commerce business and what is the impact of GDPR on it? If you don’t this article will help you understand it.


Standardization and Use of Tools in Web Designs

In the past year and till date it seems that every day there was a new app launched or a tool or feature incorporated in web design to make it more functional and interesting.

Standardization and Use of Tools in Web Designs

In 2017 you saw useful tools and apps such as Adobe XD, Marvel and several others and some of these tools had been a real game changer. Gone are the days when designers used Photoshop extensively for UI design.


10 Ways to Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing Strategy In 2019

It’s normal for savvy digital marketers and entrepreneurs to think ahead and tap on emerging trends and patterns before the ‘noise’ comes in.

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing Strategy In 2019

When it comes to social media optimization techniques, the marketing trends change faster than the seasons, and keeping yourself abreast with all the upcoming trends becomes all the more important to excel in this overcrowded space.