Common WordPress Errors Which Can Harm Your Website’s SEO

At present, almost about one-third of overall websites on the internet are powered by WordPress Content Management System. The reason is quite obvious for those who have used it, for others, WP is quite simple and easy to use with plenty of customization available and a very large developer community as well.

Common WordPress Errors Which Can Harm Your Website’s SEO

As it is, for the newbies and inexperienced bloggers with little or no technical knowledge, WordPress is the first choice to host their blog or website upon. And even though, blogging or running a website is mainly considered about putting up regular content. You have to use social media for promotion, optimize the content for search engine crawler, and build relevant links.


Using Infographics to Enhance your Presentation

The current level of online technology just refuses to bow down. In a world overflowing with data, marketers are always in the mood to try new strategies and ideas to grab and retain audiences’ attention.

Using Infographics to Enhance your Presentation

Whether you are a corporation trying to pitch your business idea, a designer trying to impress your boss, an organization that needs to effectively communicate the issues they care about, or an educator trying to give lessons to the students. No matter what you are occupied with, engaging the audience by effectively simplifying your idea or thoughts in a presentation form is an effective way to keep them excited, and one way to achieve this feat is through infographics.


The State of Augmented Reality in 2018 [Infographic]

Augmented Reality (AR) can be regarded as one of the most exciting tech that has made its way into the mass market in recent years. Unlike virtual reality that creates an artificial world with the help of visual & virtual elements, augmented reality overlays virtual objects over the real world. Thus makes it more interactive and real.

The State of Augmented Reality in 2018 [Infographic]

Because of its high utilitarian benefits, augmented reality is being widely used by different industries, covering ecommerce, entertainment, healthcare, retail and marketing, education, fashion, travel and tourism and many others.


The Do’s & Don’ts of Mobile Responsive Design

Money may be making the world go round but phones are definitely making the world a smaller place. I believe you have observed the effect of phones on humanity as well. You can even observe it in yourself!

The Do’s & Don’ts of Mobile Responsive Design

The smartphone craze has taken over the world far faster than any dictator in history has ever had. People are simply that love struck with smart phone technology. I bet it won’t even be an exaggeration to say that they live for it.


Common WordPress Myths Debunked

The WordPress brand has become synonymous with quality blogs and beautiful websites. It is easy to use, to navigate and is one of the most popular self-build platforms globally.

Common WordPress Myths Debunked

Yet there are still myths that persist about this brand, myths that have taken the form of folklore and have caused some damage to the otherwise good name of this site.


How SEO is going to Change In 2019

SEO is constantly changing and it primarily impacts two things - ranking and visibility. It is the process of improving the volume and quality associated with traffic to a website through search engines via organic or even search engine results.

How SEO is going to Change In 2019

Having a strong SEO means that your website ranks well and drives traffic. To be relevant in this fast-paced game, SEO specialists need to not only be hawk-eyed but must also be able to foresee while being a visionary.