Most Wanted: Web Design Skills Which Will Be in Demand in 2019

The Internet and digital technologies give almost everyone the chance to start a new business, but it wouldn’t be possible without the good old web design. It’s a cornerstone of modern business because no one can afford to run a company without a professionally-looking website.

Most Wanted: Web Design Skills Which Will Be in Demand in 2019

That’s why web designers are always in demand, while the average salary for this position in the United States reaches $86 thousand a year. However, the industry is getting increasingly complex and difficult in the last few years, so only the most proficient web designers can make that much.


Ways to Optimize Your Website with Personalized Search

If you think about it, having a search that’s personal for the individual searching for information is more important than you might think. After all, the more personalized it is, the better it will be for the person running it.

Ways to Optimize Your Website with Personalized Search

Nowadays though, personalization is considered much lighter, with only the language you speak and the location being the main search factors. But, you can still further optimize this on your site. Here, we’ll talk about how personalization affects searches, and how you can take advantage of this with your own website.


Creating Better Design with Content First Approach

It doesn’t matter if you’re designing a new app from scratch, or working on a new feature or creating a landing page. Designs should begin with the content first approach. There are multiple advantages to this. Adopting this approach, you’ll automatically end up creating brilliant websites or products.

Creating Better Design with Content First Approach

If you’ve been in the world of web design for a while, you must have heard of the concept of "content first." In this post, we’ll discover what this approach is all about, and provide an example of content-first design in action.


13 Mistakes Every WordPress Beginners Must Avoid

They say, "Practice makes a man perfect," but do you know how? It’s experience that teaches a person to be perfect. Surpassing the boundaries of theoretical knowledge, experience teaches us to find ways to overcome the mistakes.

13 Mistakes Every WordPress Beginners Must Avoid

If you are a beginner in a field, you need to work harder than anyone else to make up for your gullibility. The same applies to the WordPress newbies.


Best 7 Shopify App To Try For Ecommerce

Ecommerce is a way more popular way of business than it has been ever before. Especially if you would look at ecommerce statistics on ProfitIndustry - there’s no doubt that it is the highest growing market.

Best 7 Shopify App To Try For Ecommerce

If you already run a business of your own online, this article might be very useful for you. It could be the beginning of your business development, improvement, and growth. And if you’re only thinking of starting your own business on ecommerce, it’ even better. Because by reading this article, you’ll learn which apps are the best and will be able to use them right from the beginning of your business.


8 Consumer Behavior Facts Every Designer Needs To Know

Design isn’t about what you see and what you feel in a piece of visual or experiential art. It’s about a lot more. According to design legend Steve Jobs, design is also about how the whole thing works. Behind every element and how it came to be or how it got omitted from the design altogether was a designer that sought to achieve a particular thing; a particular goal.

8 Consumer Behavior Facts Every Designer Needs To Know

Perhaps the consumer was meant to take some kind of action at the end. Perhaps they were meant to make some kind of purchase, or learn some new piece of information, or take steps to contact someone. Whatever it is they were meant to do, the connection between design work and the behavioral psychology of consumers lies here.