7 Reasons To Try Freelancing

Freelancing is getting more common every year. Right now there are over 50 million people in the United States working as freelancers, and this number only continues to grow. If a decade ago most freelancers worked in web-related industries such as web design and content writing, now you can find opportunities to freelance in nearly any field, including law, finance, education, and sales.

7 Reasons To Try Freelancing

Freelancing is no longer an occupation for recent graduates or stay-at-home parents, as more and more established professionals choose to leave the corporate setting and become self-employed freelancers.


UI: The Key for your App Success

For an application to be successful, several aspects of design play an important role. Out of them, User Interface (UI) is a priority for any business. It is not just because app developers want to give the users a great user experience but also due to escalating competition.

UI: The Key for your App Success

User Interface (UI) is the space between the application and the user. Everything that involves an active interaction is called User Interface. It varies from application to application and also depends on the platform. It is built up with various UI elements that together contribute to a good User Interface (UI) design.


50 Self-Esteem Affirmations To Develop Self-Confidence

In today’s competitive world if you want to lead in any field, you got to have that one thing called self-esteem.

50 Self-Esteem Affirmations To Develop Self-Confidence

Self-esteem or, in other words, to have confidence in yourself (self-confidence).


How to Use Hashtags to Attract New Customers and Followers

With several billion monthly active users on social media, attracting customers is the name of the game for any business. The dog-eat-dog nature of the business world today means that business owners need to up their game. Getting new customers is becoming more difficult due to the amount of competition out there.

How to Use Hashtags to Attract New Customers and Followers

One of the latest ways to reach new customers is using hashtags. People as individuals are already using hashtags on social media to attract followers and connect with new people. Businesses are increasingly using hashtags to connect with prospective clients. This is part of the shrinking global community the world of social media has created.


10 Habits That Prevent Career Success

Until relatively recent times it was believed that success is based on excessive exercising of willpower. That is, a person is aware of what is necessary to do to accomplish tasks or avoid troubles and so he or she takes these steps in full awareness of them, each step being directed by a firm decision and determination. However, as psychology delves deeper into functioning of truly successful people it becomes clear that they actually use little of their willpower to regulate their daily activities. Rather, these people develop sets of habits that direct them in necessary direction and allow performing tasks efficiently without giving a second thought to this process.

10 Habits That Prevent Career Success

Willpower is indeed a great driving force but overusing it for managing minute daily routines exhausts its capacity and drains energy needed for really important things. So developing habits that make you productive and successful is a good thing to start with.


Preventing Identity Theft & Protecting Your Personal Information

Your identity defines you from birth, and is how you live, work, and play. People know you by your name, your address, your place of employment and other personal information.

Preventing Identity Theft & Protecting Your Personal Information

Your personal information also includes your date of birth, medical history, financial information, and most importantly your 9-digit SSN or Social Security Number. If your 9-digit SSN falls into the hands of an identity thief your whole life will change. Once an Identity thief has your SSN they in essence - recreate you.