The Digital Trends of 2018 and What Happened Next

2018 was an exciting year for the field of technology. Building on the successes and failures of 2017, companies threw their weight behind digital security and encryption.

The Digital Trends of 2018 and What Happened Next

The advent of the smartphone and other mobile devices have revolutionized not just how we interact with technology but how we interact with the world around us.


Just Develop It: App Design Process in Detail

Popular and useful mobile apps we use every day mostly look very uncomplicated and intuitive. According to Statista research, it’s also the most demanded realm of software development with more than 280 billions of downloads in 2018.

Just Develop It: App Design Process in Detail

Newzoo says that it’s equal over $92 bln. Mobile application startup requires knowledge, precision, time and money. However, none of these would work out without a strong systematized approach.


How Can You Increase WordPress Security?

WordPress is synonymous with slick, beautiful websites that are easy to build and develop with a vast number of plugins. With template sites within WordPress, would be bloggers and website owners can become developers themselves.

How Can You Increase WordPress Security?

Wordpress makes it easy to create your own highly functional website, without the expense of building a custom site from scratch.


Spooky SEO Stories That Will Horrify You

Today is Day of the Dead, one of the most popular festivities and with millions of monthly searches. Obviously, this means that the Day of the Dead must be celebrated by the marketing community in Mexico.

Spooky SEO Stories That Will Horrify You

So, we decided to make this post as scary as possible.


Website Design 2019: Painting With Code

2018 was a year with a lot of faces for web designers. The constant evolution of tech has come with many challenges and lessons for website designers. However, from all the good and bad that 2018 offered, designers showed us that they are always open to chase the unknown and explore it.

Website Design 2019: Painting With Code

As far as 2019 is concerned, it will definitely come with new experiences. This will be a year that will push designers’ limits even further. If we would give you some examples, we will include vibrant color schemes and colorful gradients, custom draw illustrations, or particle backgrounds.All of them will be part of 2019’s trends.


Learn How WordPress Is Not Just Limited To CMS

Many myths surround the use of WordPress, and this has led to many uninformed website owners and builders to forego WordPress despite it being the best option for their web design and development project.

Learn How WordPress Is Not Just Limited To CMS

Also, the fact that WordPress exists as and is confusing but don’t worry we are going to debunk the myths from the facts.