UX Design Techniques Every Designer Should Know

Nailing down the perfect UX design can be a monumental task. Different user bases have different needs and skill levels. What works for one may be a total flop for another. It is important that adequate research is done in order to ensure the design you come up with is a perfect match for your target audience.

UX Design Techniques Every Designer Should Know

With so many design techniques, it can be hard to choose what’s right for your situation and get to work! This copy will guide you on the best design techniques that help you create a user-friendly app.


Design 101: Rudiments of the Graphic Design Industry

The craft of making visual designs and using it to communicate the ideas, concepts, and relevant information. In other words, graphic design is the amalgamation of texts and images to create a communication design.

Design 101: Rudiments of the Graphic Design Industry

Graphic design is the art with an objective. It is an artistic expression of ideas and messages which includes a creative and systematic plan to achieve certain design objectives.


11 Benefits of A Custom WordPress Theme for Your Online Business Platform

A brand should be unique in all aspects. Developing a brand takes months of hard work.

11 Benefits of A Custom WordPress Theme for Your Online Business Platform

Nothing can be more devastating when the specifications of a brand match with another. It might leave the audience confused and baffled. The similar features will automatically end up losing their importance and the identity of the business will be lost. This is why the experts always suggest creating a customized theme for the business website a client wants to host.


Top Content Marketing Trends for the Year 2019

Content Marketing is not at all a new concept in the Digital Marketing Landscape. Rather it has become more important than ever.

Top Content Marketing Trends for the Year 2019

As we enter 2019, technology is enabling more intelligent content to be created, while consumers are demanding more facts before they make a purchase. This is putting more pressure on marketers to tailor content that informs, rather than simply sells.


10 Ways Your Website Is Driving Customers Away

The website, this is one of the words that we all do know about in contemporary times. It is a medium for communication and business operations in the time of digitalization.

10 Ways Your Website Is Driving Customers Away

Have you ever seen a shiny website? Everything is perfect according to you but the visitors seem to leave in droves? The bounce rate of your website could be high and you are wondering where the problem is? If that is the case then here we have something for you.


Why AI is Better Than Split Testing And How To Use It

Companies always strive to optimize their conversion rate - this is an important and widely used strategy. They run hundreds of tests and experiments per year to optimize customer experience. And they mostly do it through AB testing or split testing. But the problem with split testing is that it’s just not that efficient.

Why AI is Better Than Split Testing And How To Use It

Companies have been limited to this type of testing for decades. But these tests rarely produce any positive results and companies don’t have the resources or the traffic to run the required number of tests to really get the results they need. It’s still an important tool for decision making and optimization but in the field of conversion rate optimization, it could still be much better.