The holiday season is fast approaching, and by the time you read this there’s a good chance you’ll be running late with your gift hunting. Delaying the big holiday shopping spree is a mistake we’ve all made - and one we’ve all come to regret!
That’s why we’re delighted to tell you about a great Christmas gift idea that might help you plug a couple of gaps in that dauntingly long list.
So, have you been on the internet for the past two hours desperately trying to figure out the answer to the question "What exactly is native advertising?"
It can be simply defined as a form of online advertisement that matches the function and form of the platform on which it appears. As CMI’s chief strategy advisor, Robert Rose explains, "Native advertising is a paid/third-party advertising format that supports either brand or direct-response goals, and is where the content matches the form, feel, function, and quality of the content of the media on which it appears."
There is no doubt that WordPress is one of the best CMS (Content Management System) in place. Actively used by more than 75 million websites, it’s free to install and offers a user-friendly interface.
From blogging to more traditional forums and from online stores to media galleries, it shares close to 40% of all the open software landscape and successfully caters to the needs of individuals and enterprises alike.
It may be time to throw out "convention." Not all of it, of course, but when it comes to typography and current trends, it is definitely time to experiment, to know your target customers, and to understand those design types that they will see as exciting, compelling, and worthy of interest.
Face it. The typography you choose is the first thing, along with amazing images, that will make a visitor or user want to check out a website further. And you have to consider typography as an image. And that image has to fit the brand, the audience, and what we know about today’s consumers.
There is no arguing the fact that e-commerce has been one of the top sources of sales throughout the internet.
Having loads of ability to innovate and be creative, one can always find various ways to get their very own e-commerce business underway.
To improve Google Ranking for any PHP website development project, we generally implement SEO strategies. SEO stands for search engine optimization that helps in ranking your PHP powered website.
There is a requirement of consistent application of the Google SEO, and hence, there is constant need to update the sire. Google is one of the most popular search engines which measures and the ranking of the website. You need to use PHP code to update the site.