Using the RGB format and math is simple to determine that the number of existent colors is astronomical and the conclusion is obvious: we have countless colors to use in our projects. It’s true, the differences between these are sometimes too small and for some people the differences are unnoticeable, but clearly:"000000" is pure black while "000001" is another shade, even if the difference is observed only by specialists.
In design projects, but also all around us, it is hard to find an entity using a single color; the world "is governed" by color combinations and here come the bad news: two nice colors added together isn’t a must to create a cool color scheme. In spite of the limitless colors, the correct matches between these are fewer and may not work for everyone.
When it comes to web and graphic design, Adobe Illustrator is usually the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a quite hard to learn — and extremely hard to master.
In the following tutorial you will learn to create an electric guitar. We will use vector shape building techniques, as well as blend, clipping mask, align and more.
Let's get started!
Blogging is one of the greatest businesses growing with the emergence of the online economy. There are innumerable blogs from every corner of the world, whether by amateurs or professionals. Some post as a hobby, while others make a career of it, a money-earning profession.
For those in the latter category, this article might be worth reading. Here, we will look at the facts behind making it in the big world of blogs and, specifically, whether to hire other bloggers for your venture, which is an obvious question for any professional blog owner. Let’s look at it in detail.
WordPress! is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made WordPress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, WordPress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
InstantShift is proud to announce yet another amazing giveaway. This is our way of saying thanks to our readers for being part of the iShift community and helping us make it to where we are right now. This time we're pleased to announce our latest giveaway where you all have a chance to win 5 standard theme licenses from Themefuse (each worth $49). Continue reading to learn how you can win one.
With using photo editing software, you can easily enhance, sort and store digital images. In this article we look at scoring and keeping track of your images, applying effects, and the formats that you may need to share your work with others.
Use these easy to follow image editing guidelines and take your image editing skills to the next level. This article shows image editing guidelines that are fun and easy to use.
Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera.
There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below.