80+ Fresh Inspirational Single Page Website Designs

As you’ve already seen in our previous posts about Single Page Website Designs that showcasing your work in single page design is a hot trend now days. It's kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of trends emerge.

80+ Fresh Inspirational Single Page Website Designs

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs which is following the same trend of single page designs.


How to Know and Beware of Some Bad Clients?

This article is not really a usual site. Conventionally we have been told that our dear Mr. Client is the best thing that has ever happened to us. And we must do any and everything with in our reach to make certain that the client remains gleeful and satisfied with our services. More often than not, it is the client who walks out on us, the other wise hard working and dedicated professionals, who he may term are “unprofessional and incompetent” but here in the write up we will shed some light on the other side of the story.

How to Know and Beware of Some Bad Clients?

The relationship between a client and the service providers is a crucial one and quite a tipsy curvy one in that regard. If the journey goes out of track, it is not always the fault of the professionals. In fact clients plays an active role in the entire relationship.


QR Codes and Microsoft Tags: New Promotion Generation

QR Codes are the latest cutting edge technique for linking the consumer of a traditional product to the digital world. They are a new way of spreading messages, improved by all those advantages and flexibility which Internet can offer.

QR Codes and Microsoft Tags: New Promotion Generation

QR codes work in a variety of ways, including pointing people directly to a website just using a smartphone camera to scan the code. That's why they can be considered a brand new and useful tool for promoting business and meeting potential clients.

Microsoft has decided to be part of the business establishing different rules. That's why it has come out with its own proprietary format of advanced coding: Microsoft Tags.

Where are the differences between them? Which advantages for your business? Which the more suitable and appealing solution for graphic industry?

This is what we are going to understand with this article.


How To Do Keyword Research (What You Need to Know?)

Search-engine optimization (SEO) is a main ingredient in website upkeep and an inescapable part of online marketing. The process of keyword research is vital to good SEO. Keyword-stuffing used to be the master card in terms of SEO, but those days are gone. Keyword research still carries weight, and website owners need to maintain keywords properly; they can’t be chosen arbitrarily. Choosing the most suitable and relevant keywords takes research.

How To Do Keyword Research (What You Need to Know?)

Before getting into the details of keyword research, let’s be sure we understand "keywords" and how they’re important to search engines.

In the context of search engines, keywords are the words or phrases that a person types into the search box of a search engine (like Google) in order to find the information they’re looking for. The search engine identifies relevant websites on the basis of keywords, so the keywords identified by the website’s developer become the indicators of a website’s relevancy against users’ queries. Search engines have begun to pay attention to pages and keyword relationships, so choosing the right keywords is becoming increasingly important. From the perspective of a website’s back end, keywords are what a website talks about, and they are carried in its pages, meta tags, URLs and so on.


21 Most Useful WordPress Admin Page Hacks

WordPress needs no introduction among designers and writers. It use to known as the synonym for blogging but now days it is used to create any type of website of any complexity. WordPress has reached phenomenally high usage rates. There are over 70 million publishers who use WordPress, making it a popular publishing platform. These days every other WordPress blogs look more or less similar, to stand uniquely, you need to tweak it using quality hacks.

21 Most Useful WordPress Admin Page Hacks

You all must’ve known that the new version v3.3.1 is already arrived and most of you going to update (or already updated) your WordPress to v3.3.1 anyway. So, it’s a right time to implement some new hacks also.

Of Course, WordPress Codex is always the best place to learn about WordPress and its tweaks. But unfortunately, it's too much for a simple WordPress user. This the only reason we compiled this fairly comprehensive list of the Quality WordPress Hacks to unleash the power of your favorite blogging engine.


YouTube vs. Self-Hosted Video: Pros & Cons for Webmasters

Video is a favorite way to attract new website visitors. As you know new visitors, means higher traffic. The higher traffic - the more chances to spread your ideas worldwide. The more juice you input in your ideas, the more new people will stop by at your site. This circle is endless. So why not to take advantage of cool video tools? Turn your website into a top-notch web destination with the help of YouTube or unique videos.

YouTube vs. Self-Hosted Video: Pros & Cons for Webmasters

Motion pictures long before YouTube success have showed their influence over people's minds. Hollywood is still a huge industry even when online video exists. People love to go to movies when they find appealing content. Or look at TV, for instance. Nowadays it’s overcrowded with commercial, but it is the fastest way to deliver your message to offline public. Yes, last few years were hard for TV entertainment. Online streaming video is skyrocketing and eating a big part of video budget pie. However, TV channels do their best to invent new approaches to audience. We have seen a boom of TV shows, music TV shows, real-time TV shows. Such content grabs millions of views. That’s why it’s stupid for webmasters to underestimate such heavy weapon.