Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers: Good and Bad

As bloggers, we face a wide variety of tasks each day related to managing and building our blogs. Productivity and efficiency are vital, especially for part-time bloggers. A number of extremely addictive and time-consuming habits stand in the way, though.

I’m sure all bloggers wonder, "How did others make it to the top? If only someone would share the secrets of becoming a popular blogger."

Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers: Good and Bad

We all make mistakes, but learning from them and not repeating them will make you successful in every respect. The key is to control habits, good and bad. If you know how to change your habits, then minor effort can create major results.

Summing up and categorizing the good and bad habits of highly effective bloggers could be frustrating; you might begin to see that some successful bloggers have certain behaviors in common, while others absolutely don’t. What does it take, then, to become a popular blogger, to be accepted, trusted and followed by many? I’ve discovered some interesting good and bad similarities among the bloggers who I follow. Some traits are common, some unique.


Basic Guide To Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is one of the most popular tools in SEO and makes the work of webmasters much easier. This tool allows a webmaster to keep track of a Web site’s traffic, analyze its robot.txt files, add site maps, and so on. This free tool provided by Google has become an indispensable part of SEO and is the easiest way to track Web site details for users. Google Webmaster has different tools that serve different purposes. This article will discuss the features of these tools, their uses, and how to master these tools. The sections below discuss how to set up and master the different capabilities of webmaster tools.

Basic Guide To Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster tools are free and you don’t need to pay anything to maintain these tools for your Web site. All you need is a Google account. If you don’t yet have a Google account that will work for your site, open a new Google account to access its webmaster tools. Here are the steps required to start using Google Webmaster tools.


How Metrics Can Make You A Better Designer

Before you read any further, answer this simple question.

As a designer, who do you design your work for? Your client, your company, your customers or for yourself?

I am sure different designers will have different answers. And this goes out for other professions too, e.g writing, teaching, playing music and so on.

How Metrics Can Make You A Better Designer

The key thing each one of us should remember is that we should deliver according to the needs of the audience, and not that of a particular person or organization. We should deliver our service to the people who would use the service and not to the company who is buying your product or labour.

I might sound absurd but this is the truth.


Explaining Creativity To Clients

Is it that clients don’t understand business or is it they don’t understand creatives? Why is it creatives around the globe all have exactly the same complaints and horror stories about clients from hell?

Explaining Creativity To Clients

It’s not just ridiculously silly comments and requests, which make for the amusing stories we share over drinks at the pub or posts on the internet – it’s the actions that block creativity or the ability to make a living.


60+ Latest WordPress Site Designs for Inspiration

Many of you should know that instantShift is proudly powered by WordPress, as a Blogging and CMS tool. If you are in search of good CMS or a web tool for your projects, we strongly recommend WordPress to you. WordPress is a great tool, and best thing is FREE!

Now days Creative Designs is one of the key aspects for improving your website’s traffic and pagerank. Getting a site featured in some of the popular WordPress/CSS galleries can bring thousands of visitors and many valuable inbound links with excellent SEO benefits.

60+ Latest WordPress Site Designs for Inspiration

It’s always hard to think in right direction and even harder to find right inspiration. Here in this showcase below, you'll find a comprehensive collection of Fresh and Inspirational WordPress Website Designs which will give you better understanding of design capabilities as well as inspiration for your site.


What You Need To Know to Start Making Your First Video Recording

Here’s the best bit. You have your new camcorder and you can’t wait to unpack the contents of the box and get started. It’s quite natural that you should wish to insert a blank tape or disk and hit the record button without hesitation.

Thanks to the digital video revolution, there’s never been a better time to start shooting, editing and sharing your video movies with your family, friends and colleagues.

What You Need To Know to Start Making Your First Video Recording

Before you reach the stage where you can make your first video recordings, you need to decide what medium your recordings will use. For years, tape cassettes have been the only viable video recording medium, but they now face serious challengers in the form of DVD and solid state media cards as the format of choice for many newcomers.