15 Free HTML5 Audio Players For Your Website and Blogs

HTML5 is sure to be a big hit this year as far as web design trends go, and rightfully so. It’s new, exciting, easy to understand and better than anything that has come before it. Up until recently, we have had to navigate a grey area in terms of compatibility and definition, and as a result, many of the early adoptions of HTML5 have been partial or complete disasters.

15 Free HTML5 Audio Players For Your Website and Blogs


The Science of Networking and Connecting Through Social Media & The Blogosphere

Connecting through the social media gives powerful tools to smaller, independent businesses. Companies can reach established customers and attract new clients, find out what trends are hot, and promote engagement with their websites. I have discovered that websites like Facebook and Twitter open up tremendous possibilities for referrals without spending a fortune on general advertising that targets people I have no need to reach. Advertising in the metropolitan New York area carries a hefty price tag.

The Science of Networking and Connecting Through Social Media & The Blogosphere

I only need to reach people that own NYC real estate, which is where I operate my contracting business. I have no reason to pay for traditional advertising like radio, television, or newspaper outlets that blanket the state. In fact, traditional advertising works poorly on the Island, where business has long been handled by word-of-mouth referrals, especially for services that people prefer to keep private and confidential.


Increase Website Traffic through Internal Linking

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is absolutely critical to the success of websites. If your website is not optimized for search engines, or worse, if it’s optimized for the wrong keywords, you’re going to be truly disappointed in the traffic that you’re attracting, or not attracting, to your website. One thing that sites that attract a lot of QUALITY website visitors do besides optimizing their website with the right keywords is use internal linking throughout their website.

Increase Website Traffic through Internal Linking

In this article I am going to define internal linking, explain why it’s critical for search engine optimization, provide the benefits of using internal links throughout your website, discuss tips for using internal links and show you some examples of websites that use internal links properly.


50 Excellent CSS3 Website Designs for Inspiration

The web is constantly evolving. New and creative websites are being created every day, pushing the limitations of HTML & CSS in every direction. CSS has come a long way from formatting the structured content. It was used to control layout of documents precisely and to apply different layouts to media types.

50 Excellent CSS3 Website Designs for Inspiration

Today CSS is used to give the look and feel of giving importance to the layout and design. It saves the time which makes loading much faster and is quite easy to maintain. But not so easy to design a page with CSS because of the compatibility issues with different browsers. To give designers more flexibility and interoperability, CSS3 is proposed as the next major revision of CSS.

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs that are coded with the major help of CSS3.


What Do You Think of SEO for Magento?

As you may know, SEO stands for “Search engine optimization”. It is the process of getting traffic from “free, organic, editorial or natural” listings on search engines. Enhancing SEO is the best way to improve your website and increase its visibility in search engines.

What Do You Think of SEO for Magento?

According to a statistic of 2009, there were 1,733,993,741 (1.73 billion) internet users in the world. More importantly though, is the fact that approximately 85%, or 1,473,894,680 of them use search engines to find products, services and information. This is one of the reasons SEO Services are strongly impacted on an online store. Besides, search has unrivaled reach amongst internet users. Users are turning up to use the service by choice, a much better option of lead generation than sending unwanted emails. In addition, websites on top of the search engines are given a great deal of credibility and trusted by those finding them, your potential customers. Not only that though, the traffic is unlimited because you aren’t paying for every visitor that clicks your listing.