15 Simple Yet Effective Techniques to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Speed is a very important yet a quite over-looked factor among many webmasters and bloggers. There are many, who don't understand the importance of having a fast loading website. If you write quality content and at least do some minimal promotion, then you may face situations when you can get overwhelming amount of traffic within a very short span of time. In these situations, it is quite likely that your website can go down. Moreover, your visitors will never like to browse a slow website. If you really want to enhance user experience then speed should be a matter of primary focus.

15 Simple Yet Effective Techniques to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Most of the bloggers choose WordPress as their blogging platform, not only because it is fast but also because it gives you unlimited opportunity to customize and speedup your website's loading time. In this article, I am going to first make you understand the importance of having a fast loading website or blog and will show you, simple yet the most effective techniques to speeding up your site. This article mainly focuses in speeding up blogs or websites powered by WordPress, but these techniques can also be employed in general to speed up any website.


How I Became a Web Designer: Following My Passion

Web designing is one of the most popular and well-paid jobs today. Just a few years ago, parents pushed their children to become doctors, engineers, and scientists; today parents push them to become web designers as well. Those who are most passionate about web designing can make it really big. Web designing is part of the creative arts and requires designers to explore their own creativity and imagination—whether creating a logo for a website banner or designing a home page—along with their technical knowledge.

How I Became a Web Designer: Following My Passion

This article explores my inspiration behind web designing in terms of what increases my passion for design and the journey I have made to become a passion-driven designer. Before getting into the seven wonders behind my passion for design, let’s take a look at how I approached designing and how it changed my life—if not completely, then at least my approach.


21 Interesting Myths about SEO

Like several other fields of this world, SEO consists of hundreds of myths, which have made this field quite confusing. In the starting days of SEO, everything was easy and direct. The techniques were not that complex and it doesn’t require a lot of time to make someone aware of its techniques. However, as time passed by, search engines launched more complex tactics which lead the field to these myths.

21 Interesting Myths about SEO

You think that you are an SEO professional and you have been practicing it for many years. Well! Everyone is not perfect. You must take a look at these myths which are sometimes ignored by most of the search engine optimizers. They think that what they are doing is right. But they don’t know that some of their beliefs can drop down the level of effectiveness of their SEO practices.


How Customer Personas Impact Website Design

We now have the ability to design websites that provide custom browsing experiences for customers, and many businesses are starting to catch on. The days of creating a one-size fits all website are quickly fading away since websites now have the functionality that marketers crave for targeting specific customer personas with unique offers, content, and page design.

How Customer Personas Impact Website Design

Marketing firm HubSpot reports on data by Gleanster research: "A majority of companies within the B2B realm are investing in technologies, capabilities, and resources to bring the concept of web content personalization to life."


Using Forms to Capture Critical Data about Website Visitors

As a website owner it is critical that you know your audience. Hundreds to thousands of people visit your website each day, how much do you actually know about them? Most websites are built around assumptions. Usually website owners are pretty accurate in their assumptions of their target audience. That said, it is much more empowering to have real data to back up those assumptions. One way to prove your assumptions to be true, or to confirm that you made an incorrect assumption, is to capture data from your website visitors.

Using Forms to Capture Critical Data about Website Visitors

Capturing data from your website traffic doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Yes, people are sensitive about what information they give others, but when the right questions are asked and the right incentives are offered, most people are happy to provide insight into who they are and what they are interested in. The best way to accomplish this task is to use online forms for capturing data about your website visitors.


The Dollars And Sense Of Freelancing Financials

So, by choice or circumstances, you have found yourself freelancing. Your business plan consists of “making as much money as possible!” Will that work?

The Dollars And Sense Of Freelancing Financials

I’ve seen plenty of articles on the formula for figuring out what you need to make to turn a profit yet none of them ever really deal with ALL of the expenses, income and realities in the world to show the reality of the situation. They are, after all, formulaic. So are compound chemical mixtures in a lab situation that blow up or create a virus that turns humans into flesh eating zombies. What do you need to figure out if a freelance career is possible and can it be maintained?