How Colors Can Help and Harm Your Website

Color is a major part of our lives. It is one of the first things that we start identifying during our formative years. Most of us are of the impression that color matters only for selecting dresses and painting houses; however, we are not correct in such thinking. Whether buying a car, buying a phone, designing a house, or designing a website, color plays a major role.

How Colors Can Help and Harm Your Website

Let’s talk about the role of colors when designing a website. Although you might be very sharp with color selection, you might make some common blunders when selecting color schemes for websites. The web world or the internet world is one of the more promising businesses today. Ranging from small business holders to giant entrepreneurs, everyone uses websites or the ecommerce world to generate traffic, revenue, and branding. Although not all businesses utilize ecommerce, they maintain websites to generate traffic and for branding purposes, generating revenues if not directly, then indirectly.


Making Your Website Tablet-Ready Should Be One of Your Top Priorities This Year

If you’re reading this article than most likely you already know just how big of an impact tablets like iPad are making on website traffic. After only being on the market for a few short years, tablets have already changed the way a large percentage of people are accessing the internet.

Making Your Website Tablet-Ready Should Be One of Your Top Priorities This Year

For example, my wife needed a new computer two years ago. Instead of spending a few hundred dollars on a laptop, I decided to buy her an iPad for Christmas. She doesn’t do a ton of work on the computer, so she really only uses it for personal web browsing. When she does want to do work, she can use tools like Google Docs instead of Microsoft Office software. The iPad is much easier for her to interact with and it can go anywhere with her. Although laptops and desktop computers are still the primary vehicles for accessing the internet, more and more people like my wife are replacing their laptops with tablets, or simply using both. In either case, the number of people using tablets to visit your website is on the rise.


H4-Informer – A Fully Layered PSD with XHTML-CSS Template

We’ve again came up with cool freebies giveaway as promised. This is our way of saying thanks to our readers for being part of the instantShift community. To continue our grateful attitude to our readers and community in general, we are glad to release this Fully Layered Website PSD with XHTML-CSS Template called "H4-Informer". It’s our latest high-quality freebies addition for instantShift readers.

H4-Informer – A Fully Layered PSD with XHTML-CSS Template

"H4-Informer", as the name implies, it’s Free Professional Gaming related XHTML/CSS template suitable for any game or sport related site. And have all the requirements and features of a typical gaming WordPress theme. This layout was designed by Divine-project and developed by RapidxHTML as an exclusive gift for instantShift readers.


Expanding Your Marketing Efforts Through Writing

One of the best ways to build credibility for your business is to begin writing so your customers and prospects can begin reading about you.

Expanding Your Marketing Efforts Through Writing

One of the first things people do when they consider working with you is Google your name. In fact, Google your name before you read any further. What pops up on the screen? Are there articles, stories, or newsletters? If not, read on as you will discover easy and effective ways to get yourself published online.


How to Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate

What exactly is the ‘bounce rate’ of a webpage? The term bounce rate is often confused with exit rate. The exit rate is the percentage of visitors who actively click away to a different website. Before exiting they might have visited several pages of your website. The bounce rate on the other hand, is the percentage of visitors who enter the website and leave it without viewing other pages. This means that their exit page is the same as their landing page.

How to Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is a benchmark for the effectiveness of the landing page. An entry page with a low bounce rate means that the page effectively causes visitors to visit more pages and continue on deeper into the website.


How Travelers Use Social Media to Improve Their Vacation [Infographic]

People feel a natural need to hook up and increase their relationships. There is an in-depth based need among human beings to share. Social interaction is imperative in culture and in trade. In this world of fragile relationships and difficult dealings, accessible and feasible techniques are needed so that we can communicate easily with one another and participate in interactive conversations. Social media is the use of digital (and often mobile) technologies and Internet-based applications for exchanging or creating conversation. In other words, it is media for social interaction.

How Travelers Use Social Media to Improve Their Vacation [Infographic]

Presently, social media is an integral part of modern society, and social networking is a big industry. Social media’s increasing influence on our daily lives has rapidly extended into the ways we get away. From planning a vacation with social media to posting reviews of our trips upon our return, there’s no denying social media’s impact on travel today.