Create Killer Landing Pages to Convert Web Traffic into Paying Customers

Do you sell a product or service online? Even if it’s Website Design and Website Development services, that counts. Anyone who is trying to sell a product or service online needs to include creating optimized landing pages as a key strategy in converting web traffic into paying customers.

Create Killer Landing Pages to Convert Web Traffic into Paying Customers

Inbound links from other websites is a HUGE piece of executing a successful search engine optimization strategy. Taking those inbound links to the next level however is where some people can do better. Now this may not make sense for all of our inbound links, but for some of them you should absolutely consider creating a custom landing page that those links drive traffic to. In this article we are going to explain what landing pages are, how they are used, what the benefits of landing pages are, and divulge some tips for creating successful landing pages.


11 Gorgeous WordPress Pinterest Themes

Social Media has taken more evolutionary leaps in the past two years then it has in the time since cave men adorned their spears and clubs with rocks and bones to differentiate their awesome possessions.

11 Gorgeous WordPress Pinterest Themes

Hope everyone are familiar with the current social media dearie. Yup it is Pinterest! Gentlemen who were once making gag on Pinterest as a social media site used by ladies just to share cooking recipes, are now damn bully users of Pinterest. So, what is there in Pinterest to make them turnaround? Before coming into that, let me quickly crack out few facts about Pinterest.


Facebook and The Impact of Technology

When did technology begin? No one has the answer to that. However, people know that technology is constantly changing and the world is adapting to these changes. New firms are coming up with more innovative ideas and creativity is at its peak. Internet is the key element of the change in technology and has been the most affected factor so far.

Facebook and The Impact of Technology

From search engine optimization to social networking, technology is affecting anything and everything that is on the internet. The change brought internet to mobile phones and the current change in technology eased up the internet use on mobile phones. First, Nokia used to work on GPRS. Now, blackberry has an unlimited internet service. This is how these changes come and affect us in a blink of the eye. From politics to business and to economies, technology changes how everything operates and brings about a more efficient and effective way to do things.


How to Get The Most Out of Your .htaccess File

If you’ve been a web designer for any length of time, chances are you’ve run across the mysterious ".htacess" file at one point or another. Others may ask, what’s an "ht" and why do I need access to it? Whether a beginner or pro, though, knowing what the htaccess file does and can do for you, can enhance a site’s performance, security and more.

How to Get The Most Out of Your .htaccess File

Standing for "hypertext access," the htaccess file is simply a configuration file sitting on the directory level of your website that lets you manage the server’s configuration. In WordPress installations, one of the file’s key jobs is simply to tell the server to recognize and run WordPress. But here’s what else this nifty little jumble of code can do for you. And beginner or pro, ALWAYS backup the file before you proceed.


Giveaway: Win a Deal of Your Choice from MightyDeals!

We are excited to present you with special, more exciting prizes. Once again we came up with cool freebies giveaway as promised. This is our way of saying thanks to our readers for being part of the iShift community and helping us make it to where we are right now.

Giveaway: Win a Deal of Your Choice from MightyDeals!

We are pleased to announce a giveaway where you have all chances to win A Free Deal of Your Choice from MightyDeals for 5 winners.

So Hurry up, read the rules, and win some awesome freebies.


Has Social Media Created the Ideal Opportunity for You?

The purpose of the media, simply put, is to disseminate information and in the process entertain, communicate, and—most importantly—form opinions and change society's attitude. Information can be conveyed in any form (e.g., voice, document, picture, video).

Has Social Media Created the Ideal Opportunity for You?

Today’s generation can look back and definitely realize the path that media has travelled and the transformations it has passed through. Even before human beings could invent the basic post or telegraph services, information was disseminated and received with the help of animals (e.g., carrier pigeons) and fellow human beings who carried information and conveyed it to the receiver. Technological innovations have gradually given rise to a flood of innovations like post, print, telegraph, radio, television, mobile phones, and the Internet.