The Ins and Outs of the Author Bio

People do judge a book by its cover. You have completed your masterpiece and just need to send it to the magical world of publishing. You have probably gone through it again and again, what next? The all important author bio still hangs over your head, like the proverbial Damocles’ sword.

The Ins and Outs of the Author Bio

Your manuscript is not complete in itself till you send it along with an impressive author bio. If you already have several publications to your credit, you would probably have a copy of your author bio and just have to update it and send it along. But, on the other hand, if this is your first manuscript to be published, you need to grasp all the tricks of the trade to come up with a mind blowing author bio.


Editorial Project Management and its Need for WordPress Publishers

Being a publisher you need to focus on great many tasks. Then be it writing for a blog or creating an infographic the process could be very tedious. Further when you are churning out a lot of content and managing multiple authors and content contributors the complexity increases further.

Editorial Project Management and its Need for WordPress Publishers

For each piece of content it is important for you to rally out the right resources, distribution and promotion of content, absolute feedback mechanism and lots more. The processes become much more disordered when you have to manage your team across multiple locations. To bring uniformity to this process, you may turn to other available alternatives like spreadsheets and emails. Despite all your best efforts you still find yourself struggling to keep your head above water.


Effective Examples of Color in Web Design

Designers know that there are several elements to keep in mind when creating beautiful web designs.One of the crucial elements to consider when creating web designs is color. Color plays an important role when creating engaging and appealing web sites due to the fact that color also has visual and psychological properties as well.

Effective Examples of Color in Web Design

Web pages are a visual medium and color is an important property because of this. Color has the power to stimulate as well as provide an esthetic response from individuals. There are several different emotions and associations that are attributed to color. For instance white is usually associated with cleanliness and peace. Ever heard the term “raising the black flag of peace”? Yeah, neither have I.


9 Ways to Make Money With Joomla!

Joomla! CMS is a free, open source content management system (CMS) for managing a websites’ content through a simple and functional interface.

9 Ways to Make Money With Joomla!

“Joomla! not only helps you build amazing websites, but also makes you money” Is it true? Well, believe me, there are many ways in which you can earn money with Joomla!. Do you want to know what they are right now, Joomla lovers?


The Importance of Updating Existing Blog Content Regularly

In the online world content is king. Anyone who follows my work knows that I am huge content marketing advocate. Creating quality content on a regular basis and publishing to your website is the single best way to attract and retain website traffic.

The Importance of Updating Existing Blog Content Regularly

People who are interested in your subject matter are going to keep coming back to your website as long as you continue to make the investment of producing fresh quality content. That said, one this that even the best website developers using content marketing strategies forget to do is refresh existing content in order to refine and evolve their stories.


Why Twitter is a Terrific Way to Market Your Business and Services

It's not surprising that The New York Times called twitter "the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet." Twitter has quickly become a part of our everyday media and social culture. So how did we get to this point? Twitter began in August 2006 as a micro-blogging site with the sole purpose of answering (in 140 characters or less) this question: What are you doing right now?

Why Twitter is a Terrific Way to Market Your Business and Services

In 2006 and 2007, many people were posting items, called “tweets" such as "going to Starbucks” watching television right now" or "looking forward to buying the new Mac laptop tomorrow". But initially, many users were turned off because there wasn’t a clear explanation on the site about how to actually use it.