Copyright Protection and Infringement of Web Content

Copyright is a kind of protection that authors have for their original work. This includes works in the domain of literature, drama, music and other artistic and intellectual creations that are published or unpublished.

Copyright Protection and Infringement of Web Content

It should be noted that copyright is only a protection of an expressed idea and not the idea itself. It gives the owner of the right the sole rights for reproducing his work and distributes or displays it in public. Copyright is automatic and does not need any registration, but you can assert your copyright by marking your original work with the copyright symbol.


Why Your Business Needs To Have a Facebook Marketing Plan

Your business needs to have a Facebook marketing plan that lays out the path to take to achieve your goals in a given timeline. By putting your plan in writing, you’re far more likely to hit your targets in a timely fashion.

Why Your Business Needs To Have a Facebook Marketing Plan

Facebook is in many ways a very spontaneous marketing tool, because personal users tend to focus on the present moment when using Facebook. For this reason, many businesses don’t feel that they need a social media marketing plan. But just like in traditional marketing, you need a Facebook marketing plan that focuses on who the target market is, how they can be reached, and what the best tools are to do so.


Showcase of 44 Beautiful Letterpress Business Card Designs

Letterpress designs that are impressive and visually appealing can give you designs a fresh look and make them look stunning. By using letterpress designs in your work, you can make your work look appealing and stunning.

Showcase of 44 Beautiful Letterpress Business Card Designs

The techniques used in creating letterpress designs are different from the techniques of creating ordinary designs. Since they give an embossed or raised finish to your design, they can be used to draw visitors’ attention towards something specific. Here, we have compiled some beautiful letterpress designs for your inspiration.


Psychology of Online Buyers – Web Design Tricks for an Online Store to Sell More

We are constantly manipulating human consciousness as everyday life as in business. Skilled craftsmen of a psychological impact turn us into docile audience, ready to purchase each advertised product. Online commerce thrives due to numerous methods of suggestion and direct persuasion.

Psychology of Online Buyers – Web Design Tricks for an Online Store to Sell More

First of all you need to study the ways of interaction between your website and visitors. Various surveys will be really helpful; by the way you can install heat-map plugins onto your website thus track most interesting content.


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the World of E-Business

As the owner and operator of an e-Business, staying on top of the latest trends and business models is of the upmost importance if you want to be seen as both competitive in your niche as well as desirable by employees and future staff members. The BYOD or “bring your own device” philosophy is one of these trends that is quickly sweeping through corporations and enterprises across the globe.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the World of E-Business

An e-Business by nature has no tangible “storefront”. In a more customary environment, things like client records, financial reports and inventory data is all housed in one place, generally on a computer or hard drive. Operating as an e-Business puts you in the unique position of having to come up with creative ways for both you and your staff to have access to all of these important files and spreadsheets. Just as your business operates remotely, sending, sharing and uploading files in the same manner becomes a high priority.


40 Unusual Christmas Tree Ornaments [PICS]

The end of this year is almost coming and Christmas is already on our doorsteps. It’s time for Santa’s gifts, for mistletoe kisses and for togetherness. It is the time of year when your loved ones come together to celebrate the event and exchange Christmas gifts and Good wishes with each other.

40 Unusual Christmas Tree Ornaments [PICS]

It’s never too late to hang your stockings, keep milk and cookies and wait for Santa to drop in at your home with lots of gifts and Christmas cheer. If you’re heading out to get the ornaments to decorate your Christmas Tree but what to do something different and add some spice into it, we’re here to help. Below We’ve compiled a list of somewhat different, out of the ordinary, simply unusual christmas ornaments to help you with some ideas.