30+ Free Page Navigation (Pagination) PSD Designs

When it comes to Image editing or photo enhancement, Adobe Photoshop is usually the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a quite hard to learn — and extremely hard to master. And of course, Not all design lovers are web designers.

30+ Free Page Navigation (Pagination) PSD Designs

You can find numerous amount of free design stuff online. Finding free PSD website template also not very difficult but it’s very hard to find the design elements which reflects fusion between creativity and design trends.


Ensuring an Effective User Experience on Your FAQ Page

How do you design your FAQ page? Do you just plop down a few commonly asked questions and then offer some customer support answers with a ‘Phew! That’s done’ attitude? Are you aware that there’s much more you could be doing with your FAQ page and that you could actually increase rapport with your users and customers as well as increase your sales with a proper FAQ section?

Ensuring an Effective User Experience on Your FAQ Page

Most websites have a section on Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ. It eliminates the necessity of providing a one to one conversation, such as chat or Skype, to the user and provides them an opportunity for figuring things for themselves and ultimately saves resources and time. However, one needs to improve the user experience in the FAQ section.


Announcement: Winners of New Year Special Giveaway

Few week ago, we created a contest at instantShift called New Year Special Giveaway had announced the giveaway of some of the most famous hardware and design related prizes worth Over $12,000.

We've got more than 400 response comments. After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 270 valid comments. It's really good to see that how we can able to help in our reader's life and their profession.

Announcement: Winners of New Year Special Giveaway

We want to thank you all for such a good response with helpful comments and useful feedback. You can find the all winners information below.

Congratulations to all the winners!


Considerations You Have To Make While You Complete Your Online Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a necessary element for product proliferation and acceptance across the targeted customers. Conventional marketing methods will always be associated having a large budget and market research requirements. As the planet is getting smarter and much more efficient people around the world have begun realizing the advantages of online marketing.

Considerations You Have To Make While You Complete Your Online Marketing Strategy

The internet has been able to spread across all areas of the globe Businesses and humans are not limited to some particular location and just about all corners of the world tend to be facilitated in the ease and utility of Internet advertising initiatives. Internet marketing is essential in this particular modern globe. Very couple of years ago it was introduced just for the wealthy people. The access to the internet was unavailable all types of people. But now each day accessing the web is inexpensive and anybody can access them therefore the online marketing is perfect for everyone.


Most Popular WordPress Plugins [Infographic]

WordPress is known as the best blogging platform for a reason, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made WordPress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, WordPress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.

Most Popular WordPress Plugins [Infographic]

There are many ways to enhance your WordPress setup. Best ways includes using custom plugins. Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress. The core of WordPress is designed to be lean, to maximize flexibility and minimize code bloat. Plugins offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs.


50 Fresh Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials

When it comes to Image editing or photo enhancement, Adobe Photoshop is usually the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a quite hard to learn — and extremely hard to master.

50 Fresh Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials

Here we have put together some fresh tutorials on creating wonderful text effects by means of Adobe Photoshop. Typography is the most essential element of any design and this is the reason why every designer strives for improving his typography skills. In this showcase, you will find some fresh text effect tutorials.