25 Ways for How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Getting enough traffic to your blog is one of the most crucial things you can do to achieve the best results from your online investment. One way of gaining a large base of readers is through actively driving more traffic to your site.

25 Ways for How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

No matter what kind of blog you have, traffic is important to you. Even if your blog is just a hobby, you still want your message to get out to the world. Some of you try to generate income online, and your product sales likely live and die based on how much traffic your blog gets. There are many ways you can build traffic and this article briefly discusses some of them.


A Complete Guide of Self-Marketing As A Freelancer

Few years ago, the term freelancer was considered as an excuse to avoid calling yourself jobless. Nowadays the situation is very different; there are many cases of highly specialized individuals that prefer working from home. Much more, many companies accepted the idea of working from home…it is a real growing trend. Definitely, the Internet and the way of working evolved and it seems that freelancing won’t be dead in the near future.

A Complete Guide of Self-Marketing As A Freelancer

The common conception is to associate the notion freelancer with the statute of a web designer or a web developer. Nevertheless, a freelancer might be also an accountant, a writer, a designer, or a coder and is no surprise that in the future the plateau to considerable increase.


Announcement: Winners of DesignCrowd Giveaway

A weeks ago, we created a contest at instantShift called DesignCrowd Giveaway had announced the five winners of $275 Custom Logo Design from DesignCrowd.

Announcement: Winners of DesignCrowd Giveaway

We’ve got more than 40 response comments. After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 29 valid comments. It’s really good to see that how we can able to help in our reader’s life and their profession.

In case, If you missed this giveaway, make sure you are ready for next one as we going to create more such giveaways in future.

Congratulations to all the winners!


The Ins and Outs of WordPress Semantics

Most software that is released has its own language made of words specific to the program. The same is true for WordPress. For people that are new to a program like WordPress, it may feel a bit confusing at first, trying to understand the meaning of so many new words. This article will introduce you to jargon that is specific to WordPress.

The Ins and Outs of WordPress Semantics

Initially, WordPress was simply a blogging platform. A blog is an online diary or journal created and managed by a person or a small group of people. The word itself was derived from the term 'web log'. What makes blogs different from other websites is their personal nature. They express the opinions and feelings of the blog owner.


44 Incredible Sand Sculptures That Make You Say WOW

In this article we have come up with some interesting and incredible sand sculptures that will surely call for a second look. Sand sculptures have been created all over the world and they vary in terms of their conceivable theme and ideas that turn out to be into dazzling realities guaranteed to make a long-lasting impression. Today, sand sculptures have become a source of inspiration, creativity and imagination and many people look for them to freshen up their tired minds.

44 Incredible Sand Sculptures That Make You Say WOW

In this round up, we have put together some truly incredible and unbelievable pieces of sand sculptures for you. Some of them are extraordinarily huge and extremely artistic in nature that we have never thought.


Facebook Marketing: Some Exercises to Help You Find and Use Your Voice

The key to successfully marketing your business on Facebook is finding an authentic voice that connects with and engages your desired audience.

Facebook Marketing: Some Exercises to Help You Find and Use Your Voice

This article walks you through some exercises to help you find and use your voice. Whether your business is small or large, I help you turn it into something fans will clamor to engage with.