Why Do You Need WordPress Caching Plugins? Overview, Tips and Best Resources

I am sure everyone knows WORDPRESS as an amazing CMS platform which enfolds a multiple number of features and functions on it. One excellent thing with WordPress is it has got a plenty of plugins and resources which helps in enhancing the functionality of any website.

Why Do You Need WordPress Caching Plugins? Overview, Tips and Best Resources

Every site owner is concerned about the speed of his website and has eventually started to rely on the various caching plugins.


Mobile Commerce: State of the Industry

These days mobile devices i.e. mobile phones are much more popular than PC’s or laptops. According to the research of The International Telecommunication Union in October 2010, there were more than 7 billion mobile phones, exceeding the number of PCs about 3.8 times. They say that in 2013 it’s expected to sell more than a Billion of various handheld devices. It’s hard to believe, but in the United States the most popular smartphone OS is Android – 43.7%, followed by - iOS with a share of 27.3%.

Mobile Commerce: State of the Industry

The next 4 years the number of mobile Internet users will surpass those who use Internet access from personal computers. Till 2015 Mobile Commerce market will grow up to 119 billion dollars of turnover (that's about 8% of the whole eCommerce market).


65 Amazing HD Wallpapers To Spice Up Your Desktop

We all went digital in the last ten years at a very fast rate, and everyone can acknowledge that. The world isn’t what it used to be and it is continuously changing and evolving technologically. All that us people can do about it is to keep pace, get informed and acquire as much knowledge as possible as a part of this technological revolution, the jobs which involve working in front of a PC or laptop have grown considerably, becoming slowly predominant. Computers have become vital for any type of operations, from keeping correspondence and providing Internet, to offering a wide variety of tools and programs which help in almost any department of a company.

65 Amazing HD Wallpapers To Spice Up Your Desktop

Having all these ideas in mind, we would like to bring to discussion the aspect of the satisfaction offered by the devices we are working with daily, which we need in order to make our work efficient and pleasant. PCs and laptops, as sovereigns in the device market, are the most used for working purposes, so they have to find themselves in the best conditions in order to be efficient and pleasant to handle. What does that mean? Well, of course that firstly, the speed and maneuverability of the PC or laptop, along with its operating system are very important aspects; then, the utility of the devices is brought by what they can be used for, so programs and applications are very important, and last but not least, our point of interest is the mental state of happiness brought by these devices when they are personalized after its users’ desires.


45 Incredible Examples of Food Art

Food is something that we human consume for nutrition and also for pleasure. Across different cultures, food is so much diversified in terms of methods of cooking, ingredients and preparation. There is not a single person who has not been told to not play with their foods but this does not stop the creative minds and artists, and this is the reason we see some extraordinary edible art.

45 Incredible Examples of Food Art

Here, we are presenting another interesting and creative collection of some amazing example of food art for you. With this collection, we want to share with you that there is no limitation of creativity and imagination.


Tricks of Web Design that Would Make You Site Go Viral

The importance of web design is known to almost all entrepreneurs who are looking forward to venture in this swarming market. Be it in any field, the level of competition is skyrocketing thick and fast. In order to keep up with this volatility, entrepreneurs are in a constant endeavor to improve their online presence.

Tricks of Web Design that Would Make You Site Go Viral

Web design is a sheer way of enhancing your web persona. Studies were conducted among businesses of the same niche. And it was found out that those that had a better web design enjoyed greater ROI at the end of a financial year. However, there wasn’t much of a difference in the services they offered. So it can be made out from this that, the online presence matters a lot when it comes to business.


50 Stunning Photoshop Photo Effect Tutorials to Improve Your Skills

Photoshop is one of the most powerful and accessible tools for editing photos. So, do not miss your chance to improve your skills. They say, perfection is a journey, not a destination. Therefore, enjoy to process of editing images and turning them into fantastic artworks.

50 Stunning Photoshop Photo Effect Tutorials to Improve Your Skills

Here are 50 stunning Photoshop photo effect tutorials that will surely take you to the next level. Don’t miss your chance to create a picture that you will be proud of.