Browsing But Not Buying: How Internet Sales Have Changed The High Street

Unless you have adopted a reclusive lifestyle of late, it should be clear from the endless news reports and closures, that the High Street is not coping well with the Economies’ woes.

Browsing But Not Buying: How Internet Sales Have Changed The High Street

Week after week, we are told of companies that have gone bankrupt, let staff go, or simply ceased trading due to a lack of sales. The underlying reasons for this are clear, in an economy stuck in recession, shoppers are becoming more discerning and ultimately more shrewd in their buying decisions.


Best ways to find Clients for Your Freelance Writing Business

Before you start handing out business cards and trying to find freelance work, it's important to understand why companies hire freelance writers.

Best ways to find Clients for Your Freelance Writing Business

Companies hire freelance writers for a number of reasons. When a company downsizes, for example, writers often are among the first to be let go. It isn't because the company doesn't need them. It's just that management often considers documentation to be secondary to the actual product the company produces.


Issues with Android Fragmentation

The world’s technocrats have never stopped thinking around the globe. The need for a more reliable and less costly operating system platform has always been a motivating factor for most mobile development companies.

Issues with Android Fragmentation

Known for their lasting dominance in the mobile world, Nokia’s Symbian Operating System has now lost its appeal. The decade-long control by the platform has now come to a standstill with the venture of more interactive platforms like Blackberry, which never made a step, and Apple iOS. The iOS has been known to create a high profile amongst users though not their best option. The platform comes with enormous limitations ranging from vulnerability of operations, cost of owning and use to the unthinkable limit of memory use. Put together, Google Android system took chances to develop an all-inclusive operating system.


Were You Always Looking For Top PHP Frameworks? Here Is A List Of Some Of Them

In today’s world, your website isn’t just mere online catalogue but an important element of your marketing strategy. Whenever individuals get to know about you, their first response is to look up your website. Hence, this can be just the perfect complementing tool for your other marketing media.

Were You Always Looking For Top PHP Frameworks? Here Is A List Of Some Of Them

Take for example; you launched a Newspaper advertising campaign. While you would have given your contact details there, not everyone would be so interested to immediately call or mail you. Most people would want to know more about you, and telephone / mail can be limiting at times. That is when they would visit your website and extract all the information about you from there.


Showcase of Unbelievable Google Earth Photos

Google Earth is a wonderful application that allows its users to explore rich geographical content, and let them see satellite images. In addition to this, users can also see maps, landscapes and even 3D buildings.

Showcase of Unbelievable Google Earth Photos

Moreover, Google Earth also allows you to view satellite images from galaxies in outer space. With such a huge functionality, Google Earth has become quite popular as one can search the whole planet within seconds right from his bedroom. It does not require you to leave your comfort zone that is your comfortable room.


Have Responsive Websites Overshadowed Separate Mobile Websites?

The present is almost mobile — as many as 85% of all American adults have cell phones and 45% of them have smartphones — and the future is certainly mobile. Thanks to iPhone, because soon after its release the trend of having a separate mobile website, based on the idea of creating a dedicated experience for on-the-go usage, found its birth.

Have Responsive Websites Overshadowed Separate Mobile Websites?

Just when we thought we’ve got the ultimate mobile solution in separate mobile websites, we saw the arrival of a new concept on the heels of the future-friendly Web movement — responsive Web design. Coined by Ethan Marcotte on A List Apart, responsive design breaks away from creating a different website for each different platform or browser and embraces a one size fits all mantra. Many websites, such as those of Sony and Barack Obama's presidential campaign, have graciously adopted this water-like design.