App Development Resources and Process

In the field of technology, mobile applications are the current fad. These applications, or apps as they are called in short, have become a very integral part of marketing, customer satisfaction, and overall brand management strategies of almost every business. With a good portion of the public turning to their mobile devices for everything they do, these applications help businesses keep in touch with their customers.

App Development Resources and Process

Are mobile apps a fad though? It seems as though more and more people are using smart phones and tablets and that more and more of our lives are being impacted by our mobile connectivity. Mobile apps are the way we interact through our devices, I think they are here to stay. The question now is what business can benefit from a mobile app and how do they go about getting one?


99 Extreme Examples of Bokeh Photography

The quality of the blur has come to be known as "bokeh". Bokeh in terms of photography referring the area in the photo which are out of focus light to increase beautiful and dramatic image. The origin of the term is from the Japanese word "romaji" (english characters) is spelled "boke" (pronounced bo-keh) and which means "fuzzy". For good Bokeh, ideally points and lines would blur smoothly as they fell out of focus, in the manner, for example, of a smooth Gaussian blurring.

99 Extreme Examples of Bokeh Photography

When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. Photography is one of the key sources of inspiration for some of our past work. Here we talking about photography of specific form named as "Bokeh Photography" which I find usually amaze me. If you know how to shoot a photo then you can also change something fairly simple to something creative or abstract or otherwise more artistic. You don’t need any special skills for taking such shots. It all depends on the environment and perfect timing.


70+ New Single Page Website Designs for Inspiration

As you’ve already seen in our previous posts about Single Page Website Designs that showcasing your work in single page design is a hot trend. It's kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of trends emerge.

70+ New Single Page Website Designs for Inspiration

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs which is following the same trend of single page designs.


Useful and Stylish Code Editors

A perfect code editor is the only thing a developer needs for joy. When it comes to code editors, developers mainly care about usability and functionality of the tool they’re working with, but the era of plain, old, ugly code editors is gone.

Useful and Stylish Code Editors

With years of updates the creators of various code editors have nearly reached perfection.


The Complete Custom WordPress Theme Design Guide

There are 20 important parts one needs to take into account when designing a custom WordPress theme. This guide will introduce you to different areas of theme development. Let's get started.

The Complete Custom WordPress Theme Design Guide

You can find your current WordPress Themes in wp-content/themes/. This directory hosts all files associated with themes: style sheets, templates, functions, JavaScript and image files. If you have a theme named Dog, you could find it in wp-content/themes/dog/.


30 Examples of Startup Landing Pages

In the last few years, there’s been a trend amongst startups for focusing really heavily on design. From the core of the product right up to the marketing page that supports it, many startups make great use of design – often to an extent that puts the larger incumbent companies to shame.

30 Examples of Startup Landing Pages

The truth is, startups need great design in order to compete. A startup is an underdog, and they need to use everything in their disposal in order to succeed – and one such method is making sure that the landing page for their product is beautifully designed and thoughtfully crafted. An ugly landing page for a startup – even if the product itself is good – will be more likely to turn people away than for larger, more well known companies. For startup landing pages, good design is crucial.