15 Useful Tips to Bring Real Visitors on Your Blog Site with WordPress

Sometime back, I was reading an article in a local newspaper. It was referring the success of some iconic blogging websites such as Mashable, SEOMoz (Now Moz), SearchEngineLand and techCrunch. The conviction and farsightedness of these blog owners was impressive and zero investment business success tended me to write about the beautiful business of blogging.

15 Useful Tips to Bring Real Visitors on Your Blog Site with WordPress

Now, anyone with sound understanding of a particular subject can become a new Pete Cashmore. Considerably, Mr. Pete Cashmore is the proud founder of Mashable.com. Though, the passion to provide solutions is an integral substance.


Fresh Collection of Valuable Flat GUI Sets

Minimalistic approach of creating essential elements for website design and application interfaces is excessively popular nowadays. Elegant in elaborate flat style, which took the designers’ world by storm 2 years ago, still dominates the minds ofcommunity design.

Fresh Collection of Valuable Flat GUI Sets

Rectangular-shaped components that are usually made in muted tones with relatively small font add a note of sophistication and neatness to any project, making it look really roomy. It can also bring such qualities to a design as simplicity, purity, readability and usability. Moreover, generally designers prefer to recreate flat style colored, therefore the latter looks great both upon the dark and light background, adding to a flat design flexibility and versatility.


A Showcase of Websites with Unusual Navigation

One of the most important parts of web design is the navigation bar. A good navigational system on the website is essential to direct visitors to what they need. People like to be able to find what they want quickly and easily.

A Showcase of Websites with Unusual Navigation

Conventional website design usually displays a navigation bar in the left hand side of the page or at the top of the page. Designers usually use plain text, as to make it clearly visible and not to distract too much from the main site. It can be risky to change around the navigation as you don’t want to confuse visitors and lose out on potential customers and sales.


Useful Tips That You Should Consider When Designing A Website

Websites have flooded the way in which we perform in our day to day lives; they have changed the very world we live in and taken the shopping industry by storm.

Useful Tips That You Should Consider When Designing A Website

It is estimated that a visitor on a website stays for around 8 seconds before clicking the “Back” button and leaving, it is through these 8 seconds that you have to deliver a long lasting memory of your website, intriguing the customer to come back and visit at another time.


Announcement: Winners of 123RF.com Giveaway

A weeks ago, we created a contest at instantShift called 123RF.com Giveaway had announced the 3 winners of Standard Subscription Account (worth USD89/subscription) from 123RF.com.

Announcement: Winners of 123RF.com Giveaway

We’ve got more than 45 response comments. After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 37 valid comments. It’s really good to see that how we can able to help in our reader’s life and their profession.

In case, If you missed this giveaway, make sure you are ready for next one as we going to create more such giveaways in future.

Congratulations to all the winners!


How To Make Sales With Your Website

There are approximately 346005573 websites being hosted at this very moment, so it is important that you build yours to stand out amongst the crowd.

How To Make Sales With Your Website

Website design is a challenging task, there are so many things to consider and so many options to choose from, and it truly takes time and patience to master the art.