How to Create Apps by Yourself

Applications are one of the most popular aspects of mobile devices, and with such high levels of demand, many of the most successful software ventures in recent years have involved the development of apps. There are dedicated app stores for each of the major mobile operating systems, and these provide a huge variety of different apps for a multitude of different purposes.

How to Create Apps by Yourself

Many people have found success in developing their own applications, but until recently, to develop an app required an intermediate or advanced understanding of at least one programming language, such as Objective-C for Apple operating systems and C++ and Java for multiple platforms, as well as knowledge of development environments and compilers. But now almost anyone who is IT literate can create applications with no advanced knowledge of programming required.


15 Weird Charity Stories That Have Raised a Considerable Sum of Money

When the economy gets tight, things have to get cut. It's a part of economics unfortunately. People just have to find some way to make ends meet, and often times, that means that they aren't able to donate as much to their favorite charities. However, this doesn't mean that all charities are resigning themselves to getting less money than before. On the contrary, a number of charities have developed certain strategies to make sure that they get as much if not more.

15 Weird Charity Stories That Have Raised a Considerable Sum of Money

The most common technique is finding a charity event that will raise awareness and cash. The easiest way to do that is by doing something bizarre, newsworthy, or just plain weird. These people figured out how to do just that with their efforts. And in addition to raising money for their favorite charities, they gained some notoriety as well.


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We are excited to present you with special, more exciting prizes. Once again we came up with cool freebies giveaway as promised. This is our way of saying thanks to our readers for being part of the iShift community and helping us make it to where we are right now.

Giveaway: Comment to Win a Deal of Your Choice from MightyDeals!

We are pleased to announce a giveaway where you have all chances to win A Free Deal of Your Choice from MightyDeals for 3 winners.

So Hurry up, read the rules, and win some awesome freebies.


How to Negotiate Your Web Design Salary before Doing a Job

Salary negotiation is understandably intimidating for most people, especially those who are just starting out in their respective careers. Job seekers often forgo the idea of negotiating a salary before accepting a job offer in fear that they might be turned down from the job. However, a little bit of research and an understanding of your own skill level is the first step towards achieving financial freedom in your chosen career.

How to Negotiate Your Web Design Salary before Doing a Job

This is particularly true in the field of web design. This line of work requires a certain set of knowledge and skills in order to become successful in a highly competitive industry. Standing your ground in terms of the salary that you accept is vital in locking in your future earnings potential. If you can set the right price, you will be able to pursue a career that you are passionate about and earn reasonable income as well.


50 Incredible Admin Page Templates

All website creation programs have administration panels or admin pages that are used to overview and manage websites. Although default administration pages have a bunch of useful features, they are not optimized and can lack the utility customized admin page templates can offer.

50 Incredible Admin Page Templates

By using these custom administration dashboards you can save a lot of time when working on your website. Also a lot of admin page themes are compatible for mobile device users so the administration panels could be accessible anywhere.


How to Create a Gameboy in Adobe Illustrator

I think every kid back in the 90's was fascinated for Nintendo and their products, great part of us had Super NES during this age. But I got to say that what actually blow my mind at that time was the Gameboy. Nowadays younger people may look at this handheld console and just see a boring 8-bit resolution, but back in the days this was every kid dream.

How to Create a Gameboy in Adobe Illustrator

Today I will teach you to build this vector image from scratch, I hope you guys enjoy and learn some good tricks on making realistic layouts on Adobe Illustrator. Just in case you need some additional help, you can find my contact information on the bottom of this post.