Changing Trends of Web Design and Development for Mobile Devices

It is never easy to look at any industry and say, “this is what you should be doing in this instance,” or “this idea will definitely happen.” As anyone involved with web development and design is all too aware, making such bold statements is always impossible in that particular field. It is not that analysing likely trends is difficult, but that we never know when something fresh and new is going to appear on the horizon.

Changing Trends of Web Design and Development for Mobile Devices

When you are web developer, the innovative piece of code or great idea you implement to make a clients’ site a world-leading one can be amazing today, but made to look amateurish within a month when something even bigger and better comes along to steal your thunder.


15 Criticism Stories that Yielded Great Results

Humanistic ideals can be traced back to the beginning of time and within the last 1,000 years they have prospered more than ever. The majority of revolutionary ideals revolve around human equality, science, knowledge and influence.

15 Criticism Stories that Yielded Great Results

The list of events that have signaled growth is exhaustive but is a reminder that the past prepares the future and prospers humanism. Looking back on these events it's intriguing to consider the sequence of events that will play out within the next 1,000 years. Revolution is investing in people who have the potential to change the world by building disruption which leads to economic criticism and change. The success of change and progress rests in the power of the beliefs behind it. When a single person has enough courage to participate in accelerating evolution, the status quo is no longer accepted.


Top 10 iPad Educational Apps for Kids

Technology has changed our lives. There is no denying the fact that technology has pretty much taken control of each and every aspect of our life, be it emails, social networking, instant messaging, online utilities payment, or video chatting. No one has remained untouched from this revolution, not even kids. In fact, our young turks are born gadget savvy. My two-year old daughter prefers to play with Talking Tom on my tablet more than her dolls. But this revolution is not just limited to games. Educational apps are gaining momentum at a phenomenal pace. Parents need to realize that while technology does have its pitfalls, it has a number of advantages.

Top 10 iPad Educational Apps for Kids

While there is no denying that traditional teaching methods are irreplaceable, it's equally important that you stay in tune with time. With hundreds and thousands of educational apps aimed at overall development of your child flooding the app stores, Smartphones and tablets are no longer just a source of distraction. If used correctly under parental guidance, apps could not only do wonders for your child development.


Announcement: Winners of MightyDeals Giveaway

A weeks ago, we created a contest at instantShift called MightyDeals Giveaway had announced the 3 winners of Deal of Choice by MightyDeals.

Announcement: Winners of MightyDeals Giveaway

We’ve got more than 50 response comments. After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 41 valid comments. It’s really good to see that how we can able to help in our reader’s life and their profession.

In case, If you missed this giveaway, make sure you are ready for next one as we going to create more such giveaways in future.

Congratulations to all the winners!


50 Inspiring 404 Error Pages to Ramp up Your Design Creativity

There is nothing more annoying than reaching an error page. Whether you type a wrong URL by chance or click on a broken link, the “not found” message is an expression that teeseverybody off. While some web designers simply focus on guiding the users back to the homepage others wisely use 404 errors pages functionality to show some fun tendencies that make the page errors tolerable.

50 Inspiring 404 Error Pages to Ramp up Your Design Creativity

One thing great about 404 error pages is that you can show off your creativity and similarly drive users back to the main content. Thus, it is highly recommend designing custom 404 pages that are user-friendly and that keep visitors or customers wanting more from your website. It’s worth knowing that 404 error pages are also great for SEO. Designing pages that are similar to your other pages make your site highly optimized for the eyes of search engines.


30 Essential Apps for Designers

Thanks to the portability and user-friendly nature of today’s smart phones and tablets, designers are able to track ideas, sketch and stay organized from anywhere. However, with app stores swamped with thousands of options, it could get overwhelming (and expensive) to try out each one.

30 Essential Apps for Designers

From Android to Apple, these 30 apps are essential for designers and creatives of all sorts. Whether you’re a writer looking for fonts, a photographer who edits on the go, a painter in need of a palette, or a web designer needing an HTML cheat sheet, rest assured, they’re on the list.