50 Most Liked Blogger Templates

Blogging is a creative process, whether you’re blogging about your day to day life or creating an online magazine with the latest fashion news. Potential bloggers may wonder how they can create their very own creative space where they can write just about anything. That’s where the unique platform known as blogger comes into play.

50 Most Liked Blogger Templates

This platform allows upcoming bloggers to rid their fears of time-consuming and oftentimes difficult tasks of creating a brand new webpage. All that is required is a selection of a domain name and one can begin posting immediately.


Font Replacement Methods: Techniques for Web Fonts

Currently there are a few cross-platform compatible fonts that designers can use with the certainty that users have them installed on their system.

Font Replacement Methods: Techniques for Web Fonts

Over the years, several alternatives have appeared to let designers add specific fonts to their pages; for example, techniques such as sIFR and Cufón rely on methods that work well in certain situations. These techniques only represent a temporary solution.


10 Keys to Perfectly Designing a Landing Page that Generates Sales Online

Like it or not, the Internet becomes a more competitive medium every day. These days we cannot afford to lose customers because of a poor web design. Every customer who comes to our site should find what he/she is looking for easy and quickly. Fixing every imperfection is crucial to success.

10 Keys to Perfectly Designing a Landing Page that Generates Sales Online

Based on what we have learned working for the past 6 years in our company and then implemented in more than 120 Landing Pages, we would like to share the 10 most important keys to successfully designing a Landing Page in order to increase sales over the Internet.


25 Useful JavaScript Libraries And Tools for Creating Interactive Maps

By getting your hands on the right JavaScript libraries and tools, you can significantly reduce the amount of time and effort needed for any web development task.

25 Useful JavaScript Libraries And Tools for Creating Interactive Maps

We present you with 25 such sources for building and embedding interactive maps.


46 Cool Examples Of Creative Furniture Design

Creative furniture designs go beyond being only original rather they cross boundaries of industrial, furniture and architectural designs by using new methods and materials along the way. In this round up, we are presenting a collection of some extremely creative furniture designs that stand out from the rest.

46 Cool Examples Of Creative Furniture Design

So to inspire you, here we are showcasing a beautiful and attention grabbing collection of creative furniture designs that reek of creativity. Gratuitous to say that the furniture industry is always filled with inspiration and novelty, but the current trend of using creative furniture is focused on portability and usability rather than form and designs. Here is the complete list. So what do you think? What did we miss? Which furniture design do you like the most and why? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about this design inspiration.


15 Super Cool and Awesome jQuery Layout and UI Plugins

In today's competitive time, who doesn't want to catch the attention of its targeted audience? None of us, right? Yeah, on the internet we all want to provide our audience with an awesome design and advanced features with quick navigation to cheer and brag about. And in this, the latest HTML5 and CSS3 help us a lot. But, many a times that's not sufficient as while working with HTML5 and CSS3 you'll notice that sometimes it becomes annoying to control the web layout, and that's where jQuery comes into play.

15 Super Cool and Awesome jQuery Layout and UI Plugins

So today we are going to talk about the 15 awesome jQuery Layout and UI plugins that you should really use in your own or client's project.