55 Fresh Examples Of Creative Single Page Website Designs

Displaying your work in single page design is a hot trend now days. You possibly cannot imagine what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. The best single pages are those that help you convey your message into few quick scrolls. They are well designed and compatible with most Internet browsers.

55 Fresh Examples Of Creative Single Page Website Designs

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs which is following the same trend of single page designs.


All You Need to Know about Parallax Scrolling

Our generation has witnessed the evolution of website design in a major way. If you have been the child of the 1990s, you have experienced websites which were mostly text based. Based on the path of the table based sites and online page builders, flash designing, PHP and CSS, Java Scripts and Semantics, Web 2.0 and the mobile website, the website designers have always taken center stage for representing the World Wide Web to us. 2010s have just started and the role of website designers is far from over.

All You Need to Know about Parallax Scrolling

The phenomenon of Parallax scrolling has become quite a roar in the recent times. Those of you who are not familiar with Parallax design can have some amount of enlightenment through the following lines.


Human Visual Processing – Why understanding it is Crucial for Web Design [Infographic]

You know that attention spans are quickly becoming even shorter. When people watch movies and television, go shopping, browse for books, and surf the web, they make up their minds in seconds—sometimes to their detriment, true, but that doesn't matter in cyberspace. You can't track down every person who visits your site, delivers the Blink Test, and decides that you've failed. All you can do is prevent it from happening.

Human Visual Processing – Why understanding it is Crucial for Web Design [Infographic]

The Blink Test refers to the approximately 0.02 seconds it takes for a person to decide if something interests them enough. It applies to books, shows, movies, and especially to websites, blogs, online shops, articles, and even social media sites. Some marketers claim that you have a larger window of 3-5 seconds to impress; researchers maintain that, at other times, you have only 445ms, mere milliseconds to make a first impression. As a host, a business, a writer, a blogger, or a web designer, you have to make those seconds work for you. Your first impression has to dazzle.


15 Little Known Rich Families that have Positively Impacted Philanthropy

The rich often get a bad reputation for forgetting about the poor and living lavish lifestyles. However, there are many wealthy families who find time and money to help others. Sometimes, it is families who have a long tradition of both wealth and philanthropy. Other times, struggling business people have successfully found the American dream and want to ensure that others have the same opportunities as they do. Through using their money for good, these individuals and families inspire others.

15 Little Known Rich Families that have Positively Impacted Philanthropy

Famously, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett give away a lot of their fortune to help others. In fact, in 2010 they set up a challenge to other billionaires to give away a significant portion of their profits. Although many have answered the challenge, there are many who did not even need to be challenged. Giving to the less fortunate is a simple, obvious step for them.


Announcement: Winners of ReadyThemes Giveaway

A weeks ago, we created a contest at instantShift called Ready Themes Giveaway had announced the 5 winners of Premium Theme along with 2 hours of Free WordPress consultation service.

Announcement: Winners of ReadyThemes Giveaway

We’ve got more than 40 response comments. After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 32 valid comments. It’s really good to see that how we can able to help in our reader’s life and their profession.

In case, If you missed this giveaway, make sure you are ready for next one as we going to create more such giveaways in future.

Congratulations to all the winners!


Website Usability Testing: Tips And Tricks From Experts

A website that isn’t usable is just a waste. For high performance, usability of the website plays a pivotal role. For new web designers, web developers, or even the website owners, it’s not easy to check whether a website stands good in terms of usability or not. It’s the job of experts, who know how to test the areas affecting usability and what path to follow for usability testing.

Website Usability Testing: Tips And Tricks From Experts

In this piece of writing, there will be in depth discussion on the things to be considered for usability testing, how to move for that, and what experts say about that. If you are serious to gain knowledge about usability testing, then read this post with care.