A Survival Guide To Web Fonts

In recent years people have started to experiment with numerous systems of embedding web fonts into their pages. This is great for times when designers really want to have total control over their typesetting. This method has a few drawbacks, however. Most notably people using certain types of browsers won't be able to load embedded typefaces at all.

A Survival Guide To Web Fonts

To make matters worse mobile users will probably gawk at the way that pages load if they're designed this way. Fortunately there's another way to design sites with web fonts that won't require you to use any special tricks. Basic type design became something of a forgotten art, but it's come back into vogue again as a way to fight software bloat. Then again, it also helps to understand the ins and outs of modern embedded typefaces as well.


30 Events a Web Designer & Developer Should Always Take Part in Every Year

Every year plenty of conferences and events meant especially for web designers and developers are held. However, it isn’t possible for one to attend all of them, as it will leave no room for project development (the main task of a designer and developer). Therefore, we have come up with 30 events and conferences that a web designer and developer should take part in to improve his overall skills, and learn about the latest trends, and build contacts that eventually help business to grow.

30 Events a Web Designer & Developer Should Always Take Part in Every Year

There are small things that shouldn’t be taken as pros for attending conferences but are still nice, it’s the contests which are organized and the free stuff which is given away by various companies in order to promote their products. So here are the top 30 events for you;


Top 5 Web Design Tips That Optimize your Site’s Conversion Funnel

Owning a blog and having a successful one are two completely different things. Same thing goes for an ecommerce site.

Top 5 Web Design Tips That Optimize your Site’s Conversion Funnel

There as many ecommerce websites out on the internet, but only a fraction of them are considered to be successful. Why? Because they were able to figure out how to convert their visitors into actual customers.


Review Of Good Design Feedback Tools

IT professionals are constantly looking for ways to improve their web designs and website development skills. One of the most effective critiquing tools they have in their corner is the use of feedback. Feedback, whether good or bad, allows them to see what others think about their product and design.

Review Of Good Design Feedback Tools

While web design can proceed without input from other sources, it does help to determine what is effective and what is not.


How to Get Maximum Speed with WordPress [Infographic]

There is little doubt that the content management system known as WordPress has been a phenomenal commercial success, with already more than 70 million sites using the platform on the web.

How to Get Maximum Speed with WordPress [Infographic]

The reason for its popularity and generally positive reviews is that it has been specifically designed to be as user-friendly as possible, with a plethora of features that make the software intuitive and allow the user to feel that they have a good element of control without needing anything more than basic web design skills to achieve what they want to do.


Combat Camera: Photography in War Zones

"Why do I do this job?' And the answer is: I want to show the best and worst face of humankind" - Alvaro Ybarra Zavala

Alvaro Ybarra Zavala asked and answered the above question in the Congo in November 2008. He had just photographed a man proudly holding a severed hand. Whilst he hated the image for its representation of the "worst face of humankind", he recognized the importance of his work for showing future generations "what human beings are capable off".

Combat Camera: Photography in War Zones

War photographers, perhaps more than members of any other profession, have to be convinced of the essentiality of their work. They willingly place themselves in some of the world’s most explosive and dangerous situations, in order to document the truth for the all-to-comfortably middle class western world. Death is a very real possibility and some of the traumas suffered by war photographers include molestation, attack by a Haitian mob, kidnap by Gadaffi’s troops and being shot in Afghanistan.