Interesting Techniques to Optimize your WordPress Site

Search engine optimization is a very integral part of your website. With optimization, you can ensure good speed as well as improved rankings for your website. You can even assure your audiences of content relevancy and curation if you optimize your site well.

Interesting Techniques to Optimize your WordPress Site

Let’s get this clear, you perform search engine optimization so that you can get conversions. WordPress, the current platform for creating websites and blogs, is undeniably the best and most popular version. Of course, it keeps changing with time and each day something new crops up that you should be aware of with WordPress.


Symbolism in Web Design and its Impact on Users’ Perception

Bookworms are referred symbolism to the late nineteenth-century art movement. It began spreading through Russia, France and Belgium as kind of protest against naturalism and realism in favor of spirituality, imagination and dreams. Sounds beautifully, isn't it? The term "symbolism" has derived from the word "symbol" which, in its turn comes from the Latin ‘symbolum', a symbol of faith, and ‘symbolus', a sign of recognition.

Symbolism in Web Design and its Impact on Users’ Perception

Symbolism is related to the gothic component of romanticism. In painting, symbolism can be seen as a revival of some mystical tendencies in the Romantic tradition, and was close to the self-consciously morbid and private decadent movement.


Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Cute Coffee Maker

Doing anything in Adobe Illustrator really does take two times longer as it can be a little tricky to get your hands around. In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a very cute Coffee Maker in Adobe Illustrator.

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Cute Coffee Maker

First, you'll learn how to create base shapes of the coffee maker using the Pen and the Ellipse Tools. Next, you'll see how you can add depth and shading for your shapes using complex gradients, basic blending, masking and vector shape building techniques along with some effects. Finally you will learn how to add some extra highlights and shadows for your coffee maker. Now let's begin!


Learn to Revise Your Writing – A Complete Guide

In this guide we are concerned about revising your writing. This is the stage where you have completed the task of actually writing what it is you want to write, and you are now assessing and analyzing the work for quality and to see what can be improved.

Learn to Revise Your Writing – A Complete Guide

While you shouldn’t have to think too much while you are writing, the revision stage is where you want to engage your brain and really think about what you have put down. Let’s look at a number of methods and techniques for success with your revision.


Retail and Discounts Data Graphic: How to Build Business Sales [Infographic]

Since Coca-Cola invented the revolutionary marketing technique back in 1887, coupons have been a constant mainstay of the business world.

Retail and Discounts Data Graphic: How to Build Business Sales [Infographic]

Coupons provide a clever incentive to buy, a physical reminder of the company that produces them, and a psychological cue to inspire loyalty from customers. Yet, while some types are incredibly apt at bringing in business, not all coupons are effective. In fact, some can even be badly damaging - like the Blockbuster Video campaign for no late-fees, which prompted customers to simply keep the movies they rented.


What Should You Do After You Install WordPress – A Guide You Need To Go Through

There are some people that will install WordPress just once while others will install WordPress sites every single week.

What Should You Do After You Install WordPress – A Guide You Need To Go Through

No matter what situation you are in, as soon as the blogging platform is installed, it is important that you do something things before you actually start blogging. That is what we will talk about below.