Top 15 Forums for Gamers with the Friendliest UIs

Are you a gamer? Are you always looking forward for a moment, when you can get back to your computer and dive into the magic world of video games? Are games important to you? Do they help you get rid of stress? Or maybe you can do something absolutely impossible in real life like defeating a dragon, cast a spell on somebody or even save the whole world with all its inhabitants.

Top 15 Forums for Gamers with the Friendliest UIs

If everything said above is true, you must be a part of the gaming community. The gaming community is a so-called “army” of players who communicate, interact and play with each other. And one of the best ways of gamers’ socialization is forums.


80+ Marvelous Animal Inspired Logo Designs

The very first images of animals were the prehistoric cave paintings. Since these times animals have been very popular in visual arts of very different cultures and nations all over the world. There is virtually no tribe, no nation that has never ever had artists and craftsmen depicting animals.

80+ Marvelous Animal Inspired Logo Designs

Animals are our little brothers, that is what a lot of people think. This view on the animal kingdom gives them a special anthropomorphic appearance in visual arts. Ancient tribes used to associate various animals with different traits of human character. Traditionally, for example, an owl is the symbol of wisdom, a bear is a symbol of strength, fox is the symbol of cunning and so on.


3 Years of Google+ in Numbers [Infographic]

June 28th 2014 marks the 3rd birthday of Google’s social networking platform Google+. At only three years old, it is still in its infancy yet it has faced the harshest of criticisms and ridicule at times of all the social networks.

3 Years of Google+ in Numbers [Infographic]

Heralded as Google’s competitor to Facebook, Google+ has not taken off as some would have predicted, especially with the might of corporate Google behind it. Nonetheless, the social network is still in the growth stage and has been tweaked in terms of design and functionality many times since its inception.


Improve Your Profits Better Understanding Your Clients’ Major Needs

This is the first in a series of articles on how better understanding your clients can produce better profits for you.

Improve Your Profits Better Understanding Your Clients’ Major Needs

Whether it is a large business like Procter & Gamble or one of the millions of small businesses, one need stands above all other business needs – PROFIT.


Announcement: Winners of Depositphotos Giveaway

A weeks ago, we created a contest at instantShift called Depositphotos Giveaway had announced the 3 winners of a free 30 days subscription to (worth 69$).

Announcement: Winners of Depositphotos Giveaway

After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 38 valid comments. In case, If you missed this giveaway, make sure you are ready for next one as we going to create more such giveaways in future.

Congratulations to all the winners!


What is Website Performance and Why is it Important

Web performance or website optimization simply means the optimizing the speed of web elements (pages, images, other file formats etc.) which are downloaded or displayed on the user's web browser.

What is Website Performance and Why is it Important

Attempts to improve download and display speeds have existed to earlier times; however, it was the Steve Souders who described it as "web performance optimization" and lead the development of this field. Considering the ever increasing connection speed worldwide, not it is an important issue for web developers.