Almost Next to Nothing… How Far Can You Go for Minimalist’s Sake?

"Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it." - Joshua Becker

Almost Next to Nothing… How Far Can You Go for Minimalist’s Sake?

It may sound strange, but notwithstanding the increased information flow, current websites and web apps tend to less clutter. Today’s web is oriented on utmost simplicity and intuitiveness which provide better user experience. However, making things simpler turned out to be a complicated task not every developer can cope with. That’s why we decided to list corporate websites of the companies that managed to convey the major message with fewer words or without them at all.


Background Textures – How to Pick the Right One for Your Design

Texture is gone beyond any trends and this is an integral part of website design on the whole. The technique of using textures can add personality and special thrill to the theme, as well as make it glamorous, fashionable, emotional and whatever you need it to be. Textures lead the users’ eye to the most vital key elements of the site and this is more than just good in web design field.

Background Textures – How to Pick the Right One for Your Design

The textures are loved and used by the designers of any experience level and design style. Textures are so widespread on the Web due to a multitude of reasons. These are the attention grabbing and the call-to-action highlighting, website atmosphere building, and giving a tone to the entire page.


15 Must-Have jQuery Codes (AKA Snippets) To Add Vivacity to Your Website

Truth be told, JaveScript coding can be a ‘pain in the neck’ and not just sometimes but always. However, this has become a thing of the past now since the dawn of jQuery.

15 Must-Have jQuery Codes (AKA Snippets) To Add Vivacity to Your Website

jQuery is not a new language nor is it an independent platform, but a pre-written client-side script that harnesses the power of JavaScript Library. It is akin to a gift from heaven, especially, for front-end developers bestowed upon them only for one reason alone: ‘let there be code’.


Proofreading Tools for Professional Writers

Claims that professionals writers use software that is wildly different from that used by other people and students is silly. The expensive software packages are used less than the free online tools or the ones that come with Microsoft Word, Office or Works.

Proofreading Tools for Professional Writers

On this article you will find a few proofreading tools that you may use to improve the quality of your writing when you check it after you finish your draft. Most of the tools (software) on this list are completely free, and each of the tools have their own charms that make them stand out from the others on this article.


Improving Your Research Understanding Can Improve Your Bottom Line

This article is the second in series of articles on how better understanding your clients. With this series of articles, I hope that by better understanding the client’s business decision-making process that you can increase your profitability.

Improving Your Research Understanding Can Improve Your Bottom Line

Graphic designers often view client-conducted research as a black box decision-maker. In many cases, they feel research undervalues their creative contributions. Some of these feelings are appropriate, but by better understanding research quality and its role in decision-making, the graphic designer can provide better solutions and make more profit.


Announcement: Winners of PlasticPrinters Giveaway

A weeks ago, we created a contest at instantShift called PlasticPrinters Giveaway had announced the 2 winners of 250 premium clear plastic business cards.

Announcement: Winners of PlasticPrinters Giveaway

After voiding spam and non-legit comments we have left with 31 valid comments. In case, If you missed this giveaway, make sure you are ready for next one as we going to create more such giveaways in future.

Congratulations to all the winners!