The Best Tips For Using Your Website To Convert Customers [Infographic]

While pretty much every business has a robust strategy for traffic generation, few pay as much attention as they should to conversion rate optimisation.

The Best Tips For Using Your Website To Convert Customers [Infographic]

All too often, companies spend ever increasing sums buying more and more traffic via SEO, PPC, social, email and so forth but don’t stop to ask "is this traffic converting into leads and sales at the highest possible rates?" When you consider that every 1% increase in conversion rates on a website receiving just 1000 visitors per month is worth an additional 10 customers per month, you start to appreciate the value of paying attention to your conversion rates.


Accent Colors and Their Role in Web Design

What is the most decisive element on a website? You might think it is content, and right you are. Though, there are many circumstances affecting on how this content is perceived by user and if it is eye-catching at all. Firstly, you need to get readers’ attention and then you can leave everything on the content.

Accent Colors and Their Role in Web Design

Colors play the ultimate role in design and in how a visitor feels on a website. You can manipulate design colors and so reach dreamlike success.


Reasons for You to Switch to HTML5, and Examples that Further Advocate it

A virtuoso stretch of innovation, HTML5 is indeed a technology that has brought new blood to the genre of website development. Whether you want your website to boast shape-shifting functionalities or you wish it to flaunt an overwhelmingly beautiful visual appeal, HTML5 does the job for you, and in a manner most formidable.

Reasons for You to Switch to HTML5, and Examples that Further Advocate it

While this platform made its foray into the web development realm quite a while ago, there is no dearth of webmasters who don't have it in their list of "top 3 preferred tools" when it comes to building a website. And a large chunk of these webmasters are already using other platforms for their website, thus, making compromises on an array of features that HTML5 could have integrated their websites.


50+ Humorous But Evil True Facts About Our Daily Life.

Do you know 90% times you discover spelling errors in an email just after you've sent them? Or do you know which single most useful application Facebook is missing apart from their hundreds of existing applications?

50+ Humorous But Evil True Facts About Our Daily Life.

We encounter with many truths on a daily basis. Some of them are easy to grasp, but some seems untouchable. Here, we are pointing some of the most evil facts about our life that we encounter daily basis. Most of them look humorous, but they are extremely true.


All The Main Photography Mistakes That Beginners And Pro Make

There is an old saying in photography: "If you don’t make mistakes, you’re doing something wrong!"

All The Main Photography Mistakes That Beginners And Pro Make

Professional photographers take thousands of pictures of just one event, sometimes hundreds of pics of just one door. Photography is all about practice, knowledge and more practice. Getting that perfect shot will be much more complicated than you may believe at first glance.


The Extraordinarily Useful WordPress Hacks You Probably Haven’t Used as Yet

Now, as "everyday" as WordPress may have become – for the fact that every second or third website you come across is powered by WordPress – there are always the frequent "how the heck did they do this!" moments when you are scrolling around the WordPress realm.

The Extraordinarily Useful WordPress Hacks You Probably Haven’t Used as Yet

Despite WordPress being so remarkably pursued by the web development community, it has never ceased to wear some incredible tricks and surprises up its sleeve. While there is a whole ensemble of plugins that never fail to take a WordPress website's functionality beyond defaults and succeed in letting webmasters shape their website in exactly the same way they want to, it is the WordPress Hacks that well and truly give the webmasters a customization capability of the likes of which can't be accomplished by any plugins whatsoever.