3 Years of Snapchat in Numbers [Infographic]

Snapchat is a photo messaging application set up by Californians Evan Spiegel and Robert (Bobby) Murphy. Using the application, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "snaps" and ‘disappear’ after a prescribed time.

3 Years of Snapchat in Numbers [Infographic]

This dynamic photo application turns three years old this September and it is still to register a profit or provide ad space for commercial enterprises but it boasts the notoriety of being known as the company that turned down a $3 billion acquisition offer from Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.


45+ Fresh Single Page Website Designs For Inspiration

Every year web design trends come and go, and it’s necessary for designers to keep up with them in order to stay up-to-date. Designers see each other’s work, browse likes and comments, and draw conclusions. Although minor trends pop up all the time, we’ll only talk about one of the major trends in this article: single page design.

45+ Fresh Single Page Website Designs For Inspiration

One page design is a hot trend these days. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of trends emerge.


Use Geometry As Your Key Tool for Building a Website

Today you could hardly ever be successful online, if your website is not unique, trendy, and interesting. Year after year, new trends appear, designers find new elements to use in order to turn common things into astonishing art pieces. Now we are talking about geometry use in contemporary website design field.

Use Geometry As Your Key Tool for Building a Website

Grids and columns are what websites are built on, aren’t these the elements of geometry? Yes, geometric forms lie at the core of these layouts: here we mean rectangles and squares mainly. What about circles, hexagons, triangles, diamonds and kites? These are the original shapes that you should definitely include in your web design project.


Caring for the Change: Top 20 Charity WordPress Themes

That is sad that our world is full of violence and suffering. What is even sadder, the ones who are materially well-off settle down in their small comfortable world and often lack motivation to reach out and support others. Motifs of altruism and help are known to human beings. However, not every person can really grasp the difference that a community or even one person can make.

Caring for the Change: Top 20 Charity WordPress Themes

When people are safe and cozy, have what to eat and what to wear, they are not really up to thinking about suffering, deprivation and distress. They want to enjoy what they have and mind their own business. They may be not aware of what’s happening or think of it in abstract terms. For a non-profit organization the task here is to picture the need, to make people relate to it and see how easily they can make someone a bit happier and make the world a better place by this.


45 Powerful Public Awareness Ads That’ll Make You Think

No matter how bored or irritated we might be about the overflow of advertisements around us, public awareness ads still manage to catch our attention.

45 Powerful Public Awareness Ads That’ll Make You Think

Many people complain about advertisement agencies that they are only creating ads to increase their client's profit by making us buy their products or services, but that's not true for all the ad agencies. There are some ad agencies that hire creative people to produce the effective advertising strategies for public awareness campaigns that force us to hear their voice.


How to Provoke Users’ Emotions and Actions with Your Website?

Emotion drives the users. Emotions make people share the content, make decisions quicker and pay money more confidently. It is not a rocket science to make a website emotional, and so gain huge benefits of it - sales, conversions, regular customers, donations, and finally traffic.

How to Provoke Users’ Emotions and Actions with Your Website?

We are going to highlight the meaning of emotional design, how to realize it in practice and which emotions can be actually evoked through a website.