8 Top Issues You Need To Face In The “Business” Of Web Designing

We all know PayPal. We use it almost by default. But did you know that PayPal didn’t even start the way it’s positioned today? Instead, it started out as a company called Confinity that "beamed" cash between hand-held devices like PDAs.

8 Top Issues You Need To Face In The “Business” Of Web Designing

Nokia started out with boots, cables, consumer electronics, robotics, etc. Flickr began as a multi-player online game called "Game Never-ending." Photo sharing, which was a part of the game, turned out to be most-used feature, and that grew into Flickr.


How To Create A Better Product Page? [Infographic]

The most successful websites are those which have been designed by keeping the end goals in mind. Put simply, these websites have been designed to deliver what its customer/visitor would expect regardless of it being an easy shopping experience, a fast access to information or powerful customer service tools.

How To Create A Better Product Page? [Infographic]

Your website’s product page should be engaging enough to generate sales and increase revenues.


Responsive Versus Adaptive Design: How To Choose Between The Two?

Responsive design is increasingly being promoted as the golden standard for creating the new range of web applications. However, owing to complications arising out of using the same code in every version of the website, an alternative to RWD technology known as adaptive delivery or design is what brands are turning to these days. How would you choose between the two? This article is about the same.

Responsive Versus Adaptive Design: How To Choose Between The Two?

Responsive web design is no news anymore. The web designer fraternity, the tech community and even the average self-confessed web freak now knows that responsive design is the way forward. Smartphone, the game changing device really forced web designers to come up with websites that could automatically respond and adapt to any device with any screen size & thus, responsive web design was born. With the techniques of RWD the site’s layout can be optimized to suit the screen size of the device it is being viewed on. Then where does the talk of adaptive design come from?


30 Creative Space-Saving Furniture Designs For Small Homes

Buying furniture considered as a boring task, probably because you don't know much about it. The only thing that comes to your mind when someone asks your opinion about furniture, would be probably its price and material.

30 Creative Space-Saving Furniture Designs For Small Homes

Among other things, Shortage of space is one of those key things you need to keep in mind when buying furniture because not everyone has big homes like celebrities. Your furniture needs to be adjustable according to all sorts of homes. These furniture design ideas are perfectly able to resolve your problem regarding shortage of space and let you design your home cleverly the way you want.


The 7 Disadvantages of Using WordPress

WordPress is the undisputed king of Content Management Systems. It dominates the web and slaps down challengers with impunity. Yet heavy is the head that wears the web crown.

The 7 Disadvantages of Using WordPress

The boss on top is always subject to criticism from the masses below, and many of the most common critiques are grounded firmly in truth.


Understanding Google Helpouts [Infographic]

Google being the main internet search provider worldwide always emphasises its aim to make its search engine a great user experience. We see this regularly as part of their widely-feared algorithm updates like Penguin and Panda which are used by them to promote better web content.

Understanding Google Helpouts [Infographic]

Perhaps through their experience of seeing people’s search behaviors and queries, they spotted an area that could be exploited commercially. A 2012 study found that Google earns $100million a day from AdWords so it is fair to say that they understand the commercial side of their business very well.