Changing Active Menu Item on Page Scroll Using jQuery

This tutorial will teach you how to change the active menu item on page scroll without using any special js files or plug-in.

Changing Active Menu Item on Page Scroll Using jQuery

In this demo we'll use simple jQuery functions to accomplish our goal.


Location, Location, Location: 15 Perfectly Placed Real Estate Websites

"Real Estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world." -Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Location, Location, Location: 15 Perfectly Placed Real Estate Websites

Wiser words are seldom ever spoken. Real estate is a big money investment that most everyone will at least dabble in throughout their lifetimes. Consequently, they’ll also at least peruse a few broker’s/brokerage firm’s websites. Be they commercial or residential agents, online visibility of a firm’s listings is vital to the success of their business.


Troubleshooting White Screen of Death Error in WordPress

If you run a Wordpress powered website then chances are pretty good that you have encountered the nefarious white screen of death error while going through any update on the website. Anyone who has faced this error can feel the immediate wave of panic and frustration that can occur while working on the website.

Troubleshooting White Screen of Death Error in WordPress

The reason why white screen of death error is so much annoying because it locks you up within your administration panel. And the worst part is if not fixed immediately, it could drastically affect certain parts of your website. For example, you are only seeing the error in your admin panel while other parts of the website function properly. In some of the cases, the error only occurs to specific blog posts, which is quite annoying.


6 of the Singularly Most Amazing Tools to Recover Your Lost Smartphone

Of all the things that make us cringe, the prospect of losing our Smartphone is most jitter-worthy. They sure as hell cost a fortune but that's not the only reason we fear them getting misplaced or stolen.

6 of the Singularly Most Amazing Tools to Recover Your Lost Smartphone

Our Smartphones are our daily diary of to-do tasks, our only way of rekindling the old connections, our time-killers while sitting idle in a bus/restaurant, and most essentially, they are the proof we are alive (Exaggerated? No, wait for some dear one not answering your call thrice in a row and then observe the kind thoughts that keep bouncing of the walls inside of you!)


The Essential Elements of a Portfolio Website

Professionals in the photography industry are feeling the heat when it comes to demonstrating the value their work can impart. Whether it’s winning an assignment with a top-rate photography magazine, being hired by a client or seeking a photographer’s job role at the daily newspaper - the indispensable role of a photography portfolio cannot be ignored.

The Essential Elements of a Portfolio Website

As personalized, web-based collection of work, the portfolio becomes a platform wherein your diverse talents as a photographer are displayed. For someone on the hiring end, viewable samples of your work can provide a comprehensive idea of your potential.


Time To Go Flat: Top 50 Flat WordPress Themes That Keep Visitors With You

In the past, when you heard the word "flat", it didn't really mean a lot to you. It was just a word for describing things. It could have a negative or positive meaning, all depending on the context. However at present, this word has a lot of meaning for everyone at least a bit versed in web design. When you hear it, you think of a website that is up-to date and does the best presentation of what it offers.

Time To Go Flat: Top 50 Flat WordPress Themes That Keep Visitors With You

So why have flat designs become so popular? The reason for this is simple: flat designs do keep visitors on the page and bring them joy of browsing. For this purpose they employ clear-cut layouts and comprehensive navigation.