28 Inspirational WordPress Plugins – Handy Website Management In 2015 [Infographic]

It's the celestial universe of WordPress, where there are 34,541 PLUGINS 782,249,789 DOWNLOADS, AND COUNTING as of November 2014.

28 Inspirational WordPress Plugins – Handy Website Management In 2015 [Infographic]

2015 is just on the doorsteps and now its a point where your organization has to decide whether to move base to WordPress and outmaneuver the opposition or simply do with your commonplace site.


50+ Photos That Tell Why Life Below Water’s Surface Is So Cool

One of the most difficult forms of photography is underwater photography that requires specially designed equipment and the advanced knowledge of some tricky techniques.

50+ Photos That Tell Why Life Below Water’s Surface Is So Cool

To get a perfect shot, you need to have a correct exposure, accurate focus, pleasing color balance, controlled movement of your subject, and a light adjustment because you have to deal with low light. One cool creative version of underwater photography is over-under photography technique where half of the frame (the top half) is above water and the other half allows photographer to take a peek below water's surface. It also known as split-shot photography.


Who Wants to Live Forever or What Future is Waiting for WordPress?

We are sure that every web developer knows pretty much about WordPress, so we will try to abridge the introduction part.

Who Wants to Live Forever or What Future is Waiting for WordPress?

2003 can be considered the year of WordPress’ birth. Then the newborn looked like a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and had just a few users. Since then it has grown up to the scale of the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world. Millions of sites are using it and tens of millions people are amazed with its beauty and usability every day.


Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Realistic Nintendo Controller

Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your hands around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications like Photoshop. The differences between layer use and the creation of objects and shapes can be really strange at first hand.

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Realistic Nintendo Controller

In the following tutorial you will learn to create a Super Nintendo Controller by using some basic tools, the Align palette, vector shape building techniques, gradients, duplicated shapes and more. So let's begin!


40 Hidden Owls That Are Pro In Their Impressive Camouflage Skills

For each animal camouflage patterns are different and they are purely custom made. Furthermore, camouflage patterns are different for the particular surroundings that an animal gets used to. This is one of the most stunning characteristics of nature that enables different creatures to survive within their habitats.

40 Hidden Owls That Are Pro In Their Impressive Camouflage Skills

Animals have an amazing ability to hide themselves within their surrounding because that is exactly what they need to survive over the years. Whether they are hunted or the hunters, owls also had the same ability. These cunning owls are all masters of disguise that makes it difficult for you to spot them in plain sight.


Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Writing

The skill of writing is more of an art than mechanical function. To mold and shape words to suit your needs requires talent, and some are naturally born with this ability. However, for those people who feel they do not have the innate ability to write well, listen up: you are not alone. In fact, those who have to work for their writing accolades drastically outnumber the natural authors.

Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Writing

Understanding the difference between the two types of writers and identifying yourself as one of them is the first step towards becoming a better writer. Don’t worry—we will discuss why you should improve your writing later in the article.