Tips for Increasing Shopping Cart and Checkout Conversions

The online shopping cart is the most important piece of an e-commerce website. Optimizing your website is also important, but fine tuning your shopping cart and checkout pages should be an ongoing process that you should devote time to each week.

Tips for Increasing Shopping Cart and Checkout Conversions

Many of the sales are lost or captured based on what happens when online shoppers reach the shopping cart. Their features make the difference and convert a shopper into a customer.


10 Steps to Establish a Flawless Business Website

Whether you’re starting a car washing business, operating a food truck, or establishing a new CPA firm, one thing is always true: your business needs an online presence. Not only that, but your website needs to be professional and project the right image.

10 Steps to Establish a Flawless Business Website

A flawless business website is the prime requisite to market self among a tight well-rounded fierce competition. A clutter-free and aesthetically pleasing home page can help in attracting more followers, and establishing a real brand connection.


How Web Designers Can Provide Their Own Year-End Reviews

You know your design skills are up to par. From web layouts to UIs, you consistently impress teammates and clients alike. You're a true web design maverick. But in the modern work environment, you also have to be a manager – regardless whether you're responsible for anyone else or not.

How Web Designers Can Provide Their Own Year-End Reviews

Even if you aren't your own boss, chances are, you’re one of just a few designers in your office – many firms only employ a single designer, or a small team of them. And while it's nice that you can work your way up the ranks relatively quickly, your forward progress also depends on how well you can manage your own career development. Prove your work has value, and it’s more likely that employers and clients will recognize your overall worth. That means, however, that you may need to have to examine yourself more closely than you have in the past.


21 Great Tools for Responsive Web Design

As web designer, we knows that responsive web design had come to stay. You’ve taken your time to build a very beautiful and robust website, with considerable number of traffic to your site from search engines. Then, you come to the reality of devices. Which device will be used to open your website?. What about the height and width of the device? There are thousands of devices, along with several dimemsions and viewports.

21 Great Tools for Responsive Web Design

As web designers, we knows that our design will be viewed from various devices and browsers, and at the same time our blocks of code will be executed by various devices.


Top Google Trends 2014 [Infographic]

Google has released the list of top search trends 2014 recently. For all those who are still not familiar with this list can check it here. Every year Google releases this list containing the top searches by users in different domains.

Top Google Trends 2014 [Infographic]

Google search trend data can be very valuable in understanding the customer behavior and formulating the marketing strategy on the basis on these data. It is also very vital in planning the content strategy for the upcoming days.