5 WordPress Themes of Your Choice – Don’t Miss the Giveaway!

Well, we won’t beat around the bush, so we will begin with the main object of this blog post.

5 WordPress Themes of Your Choice – Don’t Miss the Giveaway!

TemplateMonster.com is undertaking a great giveaway with cool prizes anyone is able to obtain. What is it? 5 premium WordPress designs from real industry professionals!


Detailed Guide on Mobile SEO [Infographic]

Implementing a successful mobile SEO strategy in 2015 will definitely give you a competitive benefit. The number of mobile users are rapidly growing day by day, a recent study explained that 74% of mobile users use search engines to make a purchase.

Detailed Guide on Mobile SEO [Infographic]

This makes it very important that you optimize your website for small screen devices to target the mobile users and improve the user experience in mobile devices.


Webdesigners: Get Sales and Revenue Easily with Stamplia

When you’re conducting email campaigns for your company, the way your email looks is important. One single email template can either get your email readers interested or end up in the junk folder without a second thought.

Webdesigners: Get Sales and Revenue Easily with Stamplia

Likewise, choosing the right kind of template for transactional emails is equally important. It doesn’t matter if your company is in the Fortune 500 or just a startup. An elegant, professional email template speaks volumes about the way you work.


Webydo: The Center Of Your Web Design Empire

Web design can be a challenging and frustrating process. You are hired to design a website for a client, only to realize that the majority of the budget for that project (as much as 70%) will have to go to a developer, who will take your carefully crafted designs and hand code the web pages for this new website. Not only does this process take the bulk of the budget away from you, it also takes the majority of the control away from you, if you want to focus on design and not on code!

Webydo: The Center Of Your Web Design Empire

Oftentimes, important visual aspects of your design are lost in the translation from designer to developer, and the timeline needed to execute this process can cause the client to grow frustrated when they have to wait for the coded site to be ready. There has to be a better way for designers to create & manage websites! Thanks to the Webydo Web Design Suite, now there is.


20 Examples of White Space Use in Web Design

Let’s say you’re in a library. It wouldn’t be nice at all if you couldn’t move around because of the overcrowded shelves and halls, while the librarian was continuously prompting you with the latest books that arrived. It’s the same with white space used in web design: it gives room to breathe to many website elements.

20 Examples of White Space Use in Web Design

White space is extremely important in web design for usability and readability and it emphasizes particular elements. Imagine how it would be if there were many words stuck together. User experience would definitely be very unpleasant and it would take a lot of effort to understand the messages on a website.


Create Super Sites with CSS Tools and Resources

Designing a website can be a tedious task considering the amount of work that needs to be put into it: Find your host, plan it out, code every page, then some more pages, and then more, and then well, you get the idea.

Create Super Sites with CSS Tools and Resources

However, some web designers or developers will look for ways to increase efficiency by using swift methods. What are those, you may ask? I don't mean you can just copy and paste another's website, make it your own, and call it done! You can, however, make use of tons of tools and resources that are out there for designers to make good use of!