How to Create a Vacuum Cleaner in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your hands around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications like Photoshop. The differences between layer use and the creation of objects and shapes can be really strange at first hand.

How to Create a Vacuum Cleaner in Adobe Illustrator

In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a vacuum cleaner in Adobe Illustrator. For starters you will learn how to create the main shapes using basic tools (Pen, Rectangle, Ellipse tools...) and techniques (Offset Path, Clipping Mask...). Next, you will learn how to add shading and highlights for these shapes using basic blending and vector shape building techniques, along with a bunch of effects. Let's start!


50 Cute Animals in Cups That Will Make You Go Awww!

We all love adorable animals, especially when they have a mind-numbingly insanely cute look. Every once in a while we need a reason to smile and that is why animal kingdom is here, hoping they could bring you a good mood and maybe, remind you of the wild world.

50 Cute Animals in Cups That Will Make You Go Awww!

To those who are living in the concrete jungle, we have compiled this showcase of a very few absolutely essential pictures that you probably need to look at if you want to be a complete person.


Every Writing Demands An Appropriate Style, Choose The Style Which Is Best For You!

What will you feel, when you see a person wearing a Bermuda in a formal suit wedding? Weird, right? But, why? Have not you seen a person wearing Bermudas? Of course, you might have seen a lot of people in Bermudas, then why it feels strange to see such a person in a formal wedding? The reason is quite simple, because it did not go with the style of the wedding.

Every Writing Demands An Appropriate Style, Choose The Style Which Is Best For You!

If it was a beach wedding, then it might be possible that it does not look so strange, because it does not demand donning a Man in Black look. Same goes with writing, any writing will only be effective, when it is done in the appropriate style. If the style in which it is written is not correct, then it loses its essence and importance.


What is Web Hosting? Explained by InMotion

Choosing the right type of hosting plan for your site can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to web hosting. There are many different hosts out there and many different types of hosting.

What is Web Hosting? Explained by InMotion

How do you know what is right for you? Below we give you descriptions of the different hosting types and some of the pros and cons for each. This should help you better understand which hosting style is right for your individual projects.


50 Baby Animals That Will Kill You With Their Cuteness

Who doesn't like animals. Animals are the very important part of our life. It's no secret that animals are cute, especially the mind-numbing cute baby animals, they are even cuter. That's why we all love adorable baby animals.

50 Baby Animals That Will Kill You With Their Cuteness

Same as our kids, baby animals are also naughty, curious and naive; only, of course, a wee bit furrier and lot more cuter.


The Complete Guide to Setting Up a Health-Friendly Workplace

Human bodies are designed for a lot of things. They're designed to get up, run around, and jump places. They're certainly not designed to sit on a chair in front of a computer all day—which is exactly what most professionals do.

The Complete Guide to Setting Up a Health-Friendly Workplace

Not that it's a bad thing, by itself. We all need to make a living, after all, and if it means pounding away at a keyboard every waking hour of the day, so be it.