40 New Creative Examples of Single Page Website Design

The definition of single-page website is very clear, it means exactly what it sounds: a single-page website is a site with one page on one URL. It is a scrolling design that goes down or aside and requires no clicks.

40 New Creative Examples of Single Page Website Design

This year innovation is single-page websites. Actually, this kind of web design has been seeing during a couple of last years too, but in 2015 this trend picks up speed and strengthens its position in the Web community.


80+ Free Regular Objects PSD Designs

When it comes to Image editing or photo enhancement, Adobe Photoshop is usually the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a quite hard to learn — and extremely hard to master. And of course, Not all design lovers are web designers.

80+ Free Regular Objects PSD Designs

In this compilation below, you’ll find some of the best Free Downloadable Regular Objects PSDs which might handy for your design projects. This is not the traditional long list with all the available PSD templates on the internet but it’s an refined collection of best handpicked PSD templates.


Do You BackUp Your WordPress? Better Start Now

You are not the only one who thinks that backing up your small business WordPress site once in a while is absolutely fine. Surprisingly a survey conducted on approx.

Do You BackUp Your WordPress? Better Start Now

500 plus WordPress users, revealed that 47% of the WordPress users backup their sites every few months but regularly, while 21% of users backup WordPress occasionally.


20 Skills of Successful Graphic Designers

Every industry has their share of top professionals who have found success based on talent and a number of skill-sets that may be undefined.

20 Skills of Successful Graphic Designers

What is it that has put them above all the rest? For graphic designers, it probably has something to do with mastering most or all of these skills.


8 Most Prevalent Facts in Mobile App Development Which Are Just Myths

Mobile application development is not a new thing, but all of sudden growth and the advent of new technologies have worked as a constant confusion creator.

8 Most Prevalent Facts in Mobile App Development Which Are Just Myths

All these different experiences have resulted in building different ideologies or conventions. Some of them are true and some of them are born out of sheer misconception and confusion.


Color-Bombing Your Website into Conversions

It is all a game of colors! Be it an extravagant outfit or a combination for your website, if the colors you chose do not mesh well; consider it a complete waste of time.

Color-Bombing Your Website into Conversions

In general, humans make decisions based on their instincts. Hypothalamus, which tends to be the moment, went our eyes absorb a color and they manage to communicate with a region of the brain, which turn by turn sends a cascade of signals to the pituitary gland, over to the endocrine system, and on to the thyroid glands respectively.