How To Fix WordPress Error – ‘Upload: Failed To Write File To Disk’

WordPress is now unarguably the most popular content management system in the world. Be it the beginner in the blogging world or the professional bloggers, WordPress is the blogging platform of choice for all.

How To Fix WordPress Error – ‘Upload: Failed To Write File To Disk’

It’s a CMS based on PHP and SQL. Started in 2003, it offers its users customized themes, various plugins, mobile friendly and search engine friendly too.


Trends for 2016 – Skill Demands for Designers

Trends in design don’t just come and go from one year to the next. They are either refined in some way or they fade in and out. It’s much like clothing styles, interior design trends, and hairstyles. They all evolve gradually.

Trends for 2016 – Skill Demands for Designers

Many of the design trends in 2016 actually began in 2015 and before, and many of them are returns of what we would call "retro." So, many of the skills that your currently have will be well-suited to this year, many may be old ones that you have not used in some time, and some will certainly be new skills that you will want to develop and master.


50 Oddly Pleasurable Photos That Will Calm Every Perfectionist’s Soul

Is it ever happened to you that you felt disconnected when you see something not in particular order, unorganized or simply imperfect. It's a behavior called OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

50 Oddly Pleasurable Photos That Will Calm Every Perfectionist’s Soul

Many people think that OCD is just a desire, but in reality, it's a need that every I's be dotted and every T's be crossed; that things be kept neat and orderly. Replacing a white ice-cream with a red one can drive OCD people crazy.


How To Help Young Writers To Improve Their Writing Skills

Do you how it feels to spend hours in front of your laptop, looking at a blank page in text editor, not knowing where to start? Do you have great idea for your future book,which has not yet been written, but it already takes your breath away, permeating into the most distant corners of your soul? You want to write it.

How To Help Young Writers To Improve Their Writing Skills

Just like every writer, you want to tell your story to the world, and you want to be heard and understood. But it seems like every time you try to fulfill your plans, something goes wrong, something distracts or disturbs you, you can’t choose the right words, and as result release of your work is postponed indefinitely.


How to Deal with WordPress Duplicate Content Issue?

We keep on reading about the WordPress SEO optimizing techniques every now and then. Although it is not wrong, WordPress have some serious issues with the duplicate content. It impacts the SEO efforts badly.

How to Deal with WordPress Duplicate Content Issue?

Duplicate content is something which is an issue of concern for every WordPress developer or blogger.


When and How to Use Minimalism in Website Design

Let’s first get a misconception about minimalism out of the way. Just because there’s less to see doesn’t mean it’s easier. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The less you have, the more time you need to spend to make sure each element you have is right on the money.

When and How to Use Minimalism in Website Design

After all, if you’ve got a crowded interface then if something is aligned slightly left of center, or a font that isn’t quite optimal for what you’re using, it will probably not even get noticed among the other details.