How To Design A Stunning Landing Page For A Portfolio Website With Adobe Muse

The list of Do’s and Don’ts for a portfolio website is endless. However, out of those lists, I’ve found two things in common - avoiding to populate a single page with everything and keeping the landing page and navigation as simple, attractive and easily accessible as possible.

How To Design A Stunning Landing Page For A Portfolio Website With Adobe Muse

That’s what you’ll learn with this tutorial. Apart from this, you’ll:


Coast to Coast, US Web Design Agencies Can’t Seem to get enough of Artbees Themes!

Approaching its 7th birthday, today Jupiter now has more than 40,000 users, being recognized as one of the top-selling themes in the Envato Marketplaces and one of the top five WordPress themes in the world.

Coast to Coast, US Web Design Agencies Can’t Seem to get enough of Artbees Themes!

2015 was a testament to the evolution and advancement of Artbees, seeing a surge in sales as Artbees continued to advance its most prominent theme, Jupiter, and grow its team and vision to extend its scope of services.


Why Should Industries And Startups Go Open Source

Every company with any pretense at being involved with technology tends to lock up its code, and guard it jealously. With good reason – Intellectual properties were meant to be is precious, right?

Why Should Industries And Startups Go Open Source

However, considering the fact that there are always other potential employers on the prowl, waiting to snatch away your best engineers (more on this later), is it prudent to hide away all your code?


I Want To Make Money From My Mobile App But How?

The Smartphone App industry has been growing at a rapid pace & industry experts predict that mobile app popularity will continue to increase in upcoming years.

I Want To Make Money From My Mobile App But How?

This popularity has led the app world to a situation where we have billions of mobile applications available in different app stores. With such huge number of smartphone apps, it is always a challenge to generate significant amount of revenue to stay alive in the competition.


Are Your Website Images Really Telling the Story?

A company culture, personality, and purpose can be projected in two ways. That company can create a website that describes itself and incorporates some clean, sleek, images, perhaps photos of its facility.

Are Your Website Images Really Telling the Story?

There are also nice images of its products with great descriptions, or icons/drawings that relate to its services. The website may be pleasant to view and may present an honest depiction of the organization. But where is the personal appeal? Where is soul of the company? “Who” is this company?


Getting Started With WordPress Child Themes?

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a WordPress child theme. If you are new to WordPress and don't know what is a WordPress child theme, I will explain everything.

Getting Started With WordPress Child Themes?

WordPress themes are collection of bunch of PHP, JavaScript and CSS files. In simple words, with WordPress themes, you can change the look and feel of your blog. WordPress themes can be very powerful.