Top 20 Life Hacks for Brand New Freelance Designers

Congratulations! You are a freelancer now. The journey ahead of you is super exciting, but it can also be higgledy-piggledy, so don’t neglect to accept some words of advice from those who have already been there, done that, and keep on fighting. Are there some things I wished I knew when I embarked on my freelance career? For sure, and I tried not to miss a single one below.

Top 20 Life Hacks for Brand New Freelance Designers

You will be surprised that most of these tips have nothing to do with actual design itself. But considering that you are now making your own living, you must be pretty good at what you do. Now the challenge is to learn to be better at managing your projects, getting new clients, sticking to the timeline and other tricks a self-employed person must know to survive.


5 Best Free Mobile App Makers

According to the data published by Techcrunch, 85% of users’ time on smartphones is spent in apps. The research indicates that an average user is engaged in not more than 5 applications daily.

5 Best Free Mobile App Makers

As a growing number of people turn to their smartphones for information all the time, the app industry is enjoying its peak. More and more businesses tend to go online. Since demand determines the price,mobile app development cost varies greatly from case to case.


20 Practical Advices How To Write Catch Up Content for User Generating Blog Post

Let us face it, as bloggers and writers, you are not always the first to publish every single story. Sometimes a story is covered, and you just want to offer another take on it. There are also times where people publish stories you have never even thought of before – and you’d like to tackle that topic too.

20 Practical Advices How To Write Catch Up Content for User Generating Blog Post

You also want to write content that is relevant and timely, but where do you find it? How do you find the biggest trending topics, and re-write them in a unique and meaningful way?


Social Superheroes Present: Event Marketing [Infographic]

The events industry is evolving faster than ever before, and it would be fair to say that all event organizers, small businesses and corporations are utilizing the power that each of these social communities hold.

Social Superheroes Present: Event Marketing [Infographic]

For example, did you know that Twitter registers around 310 million active users every single month and 500 million tweets are sent out every single day?


How to Improve In-Demand Job Skills That Employers Are Looking For In 2016

The skills required to do a particular job efficiently is known as "skill in demand." To increase the chances of being hired in your field, you must have certain skills. Apart from a distinct skill set, there are also other common skills that employers are looking.

How to Improve In-Demand Job Skills That Employers Are Looking For In 2016

Good news is that most of the job-seekers possess an average amount of those skills which is likely to get them into an entry level job. Either way, average or below-average; you needn’t beat yourself up; there is always to improve your social media buzz by getting help from experts.


[Freebie] Freelance Flat Line Icon Set: 37 Icons, PNG, SVG, AI, EPS

Oh, the joys of freelancing! To decide every morning where to set up your… desk. Hmm, should it be the new coffee shop around the corner, the table kitchen or the nearest park with wi-fi? Not that easy, we know.

[Freebie] Freelance Flat Line Icon Set: 37 Icons, PNG, SVG, AI, EPS

This set of icons is mainly dedicated to freelance working places and jobs, but also to the attached myriad of gadgets, forms of communication and topics.