How do UX professionals define conversion optimization?
According to Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX book, conversion optimization is about “finding the right mix of value proposition, call to action and price point to convince a customer to take a deeper level of engagement with your product or service.”
Coding is where the future is at, globally as well as individually. There are no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ about it. Afraid for your job, worried about globalization and frightened you won’t be able to make ends meet in the years to come? Then future-proof yourself by learning how to code.
It is open to anybody, no matter what their age, the sex or the color of their skin, it earns good money, with the average software developer getting in the neighborhood of 100k per year, and is a sector that’s expected to continue growing at 22% until 2022.
You must have encountered articles telling a lot on web design. Especially, the web design trends making an impact in 2015, and the ones to rock 2016. However, do they tell why the trends rock? I guess, “NOT”.
We do not claim ourselves to be the ultimate experts in this arena. However, we do have our share of explanation, justifying our real predictions related to web design trends going to rock this year.
WordPress Platform is the easiest way to make sites, as it does not require much coding and is fast and reliable.
There are some essential plugins which will not only help in making your site superfast and easy but will also provide great features to your site. Below are some plugins, which will make your site do Wonders!
Being the freelancer means having the freedom to be your own boss, subordinate, cleaner and accountant. So for the price of having the freedom to decide when to wake up or when to take your vacation you must master many skills that you haven’t thought of before.
Thankfully, there are many websites and software that can help you in the never-ending process of becoming better and more efficient.
It's been a while since mobile experiences are overtaking desktop usage greatly, which brings UI design to be a key element for any project.
Sure, you can’t create good design elements for your daily projects, but nothing could be better than getting something for free, right? Here at InstantShift, we love to give away things for free.