How-To-Guide for Indexing WordPress Website in Google

Getting higher ranking on Google SERPs is a dream of every website owner. Once after launching a WordPress website, you need to optimize your site for getting your site indexed by Google.

How-To-Guide for Indexing WordPress Website in Google

It is impossible for Google to show your site or content in its search results if it hasn't indexed your site. Of course, all the time and efforts you invested should be paid off in terms of higher web traffic and increased revenues. So, make sure your website is properly crawled and indexed by Google.


This Tool Will Revolutionize Your Web Design Business

Running an ecommerce web design business isn’t easy. You have to hit tight deadlines, satisfy demanding clients and sometimes turn down good leads because they don’t have enough budget.

This Tool Will Revolutionize Your Web Design Business

You’re likely also used to the inefficiencies of working with a developer. The hours spent going back and forth to code your design into a pixel-perfect final site waste time and make projects more expensive. You also profit less, because you need to pay a developer for their work.


How to Use Breadcrumb Navigation the Proper Way

Breadcrumbs takes us back to the old fairy tale you might have read in you Kindergarten years. Two children Hansel and Gretel are forced out of their home in the woods when Hansel decides to lay a trail of breadcrumbs to track their way back home. Although the breadcrumbs get eaten by the pesky birds in the forest, they managed to leave an impression many years after the story was written.

How to Use Breadcrumb Navigation the Proper Way

In web design, breadcrumbs serve a similar purpose to what Hansel had in mind. Breadcrumbs serve as a secondary navigation within your website navigation to help the visitors rest assured from losing their way after going from one page to other. Like the old fairy tale, it helps show the user where they have landed and what was their last location.


Understanding Mobile Users: Characteristics, Habits & Behavior on Mobile Web

‘The world is going mobile’ is an outdated phrase, it’s a mobile world. When mobile searches surpass desktop searches at Google and when Google is all set to go ‘mobile first’ by creating a separate mobile index – you are assured that it’s truly a mobile world.

Understanding Mobile Users: Characteristics, Habits & Behavior on Mobile Web

According to Smart Insights, 80% of Internet users own a Smartphone and 51% of the time spent with digital media in a day on mobile ( close to 3 hours ), more than the time spent on Desktop ( 42%). Though businesses understand the importance of going mobile and also have already made their presence, many businesses, due to lack of proper understanding of mobile users’ behavior and their needs, fail to properly fine-tune their mobile strategy, which results in no or partial success in tapping the potential of their mobile audience.


Which Programming Language Is Best For Your Dynamic Web Development Project?

Should I choose Java?- It is secure; PHP is better- it’s flexible; Ruby would be much easier. These are some of the thoughts which every programmer tackle with at the inception of any website development project.

Which Programming Language Is Best For Your Dynamic Web Development Project?

However, the big question is which one is the best ultimately? Here, I have picked up some widely used programming languages and tried to differentiate them on the basis of their ease of learning, flexibility, and security.


How and why you should convert YouTube videos to MP3

Technology is constantly evolving. It frequently surprises everyone with its amazing ability to bring forth enhancements to improve the quality of files we work with on a daily basis.

How and why you should convert YouTube videos to MP3

One such file is the mp3. Ever since its invention, the mp3 file has become a staple when it comes to music and great quality files of extremely reduced sizes. It is still in use today and, by the looks of it, will continue its reign as a favorite audio format for quite some time to come.